Saturday, October 17, 2015


According to Josh Lederman @associatedpress via Drudge, a letter circulated by one of Joe Biden's closest friends and top advisers,  former Sen. Ted Kaufman, describes a "campaign from the heart" that Biden would wage and says a decision isn't far off.
The “letter smacked of an unambiguous indication Biden was all but green-lighting a presidential campaign. Several individuals familiar with the letter say it was circulated with Biden's blessing. The individuals weren't authorized to comment publicly and requested anonymity.”
Therefore, it seems that various parts of a well-planned scheme for  a Biden presidential run are coming together. Including support from the POTUS. By waiting until after the first presidential debate was over, the Biden campaign now has a much better picture of what they’ll be dealing with. And from what’s transpiring, it appears that the major contenders will be easier to deal with than imagined.
Bernie Sanders supports unattainable socialist views that any rational voter would understand is fiscally irrational, while he offers absolutely nothing to the working half of the nation that supports all the rest.
As far as Bill Clinton’s wife is concerned, she’s attempting to go further left than Sanders, which not only makes no sense but probably won’t even matter. Because if Biden actually runs the POTUS will likely withdraw any support from her, clearing the path for potential criminal charges regarding her unauthorized email servers.
In the meantime, Sanders looked more like an ally than a competitor when addressing the email controversy with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper at the Democrat debate this week.
When Bill’s wife reiterated her contention that she had done nothing wrong and that it was time to move on from the matter, Sanders agreed. “The secretary is right,” Sanders said. “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.”
Bill’s wife thanked Sanders as the two shook hands.
In this case, it appears that not only didn’t Sanders plan to confront a rival with serious questions about her conduct as Secretary of State, but also raised the issue of whether he himself is fit to serve as POTUS. Because, at this point, her guilt or innocence hasn’t been proven by the results of an investigation. And until that outcome is known, all anyone has is her word that no laws were broken.
Therefore, if Sanders is willing to support  a rival simply because she’s a member of the same political party, one has to wonder how lax he would be in other circumstances where the nation’s security might be vulnerable. Which goes to further prove once again why old time political hacks like Sanders accomplish just about nothing, yet have been in political office for 34 years. For them, it’s all about patronage.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, all of which is covered by the preceding commentary. And also leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.

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