I’ve asked this question many times before, but it’s time to ask it again. Since we live in a free nation, why does government keep bothering me?
I live by very simple rules regarding others. As long as they do me no personal harm, I couldn’t care less about what they believe, or why, or how, or when or where. And unless I was doing business with them, never did. Yet, for some reason I’ll never be able to fathom, others continually want to force their judgments upon me, regardless.
Now, naturally, this is especially true of politicians, particularly those that believe they have superior wisdom. But, as history and certainly recent events point out, that premise is totally ridiculous. Because the current group, especially all of those in the White House, have proven time and again to be dumber than tree stumps.
And what’s even worse, is that even after seeing the success this nation’s become due to free enterprise, personal liberties and the dynamics of capitalism, totally confused zealots in office want to undo it all.
A quite clear example of misguided philosophy is now being seen in the reversal of opinion among younger Americans. Because, although they were formerly ardent supporters of the incumbent’s theories, that tide's now turning for very good reason.
Up to now, everything about sharing and redistribution sounded like the perfect way for all to exist. Naturally the needy should always be able to rely on those with the wherewithal to support them. However, these young folks are now finding out that they’re the ones being called on to carry the weight of ailing older folks who can’t afford healthcare. And as so often happens when idealistic theory turns into reality, nobody really wants to pay the price, preferring others do it for them like always before..
Which is why, as pointed out by Ron Fournier yesterday in the National Journal on-line: Millennials Abandon Obama and Obamacare
Mr. Fournier’s article states that: “Obama's approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.”
In fact, 45 percent of them said they’d “oust their member of Congress” while “52 percent replied ‘all members of Congress’ should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.”
Furthermore, “IOP director Trey Grayson called the results a "sea change" attributable to the generation's outsized and unmet expectations for Obama, as well as their concerns about the economy, Obamacare and government surveillance.”
So, coming back to my original premise, is the same nagging question: Why don’t others, and especially those in government, simply mind their own business and leave me and all the other complacent citizens alone?
That’s it for today folks.
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