It always amazing that while so many important issues abound throughput the nation, when the holiday’s approach everything seems to stop. As a result, there’s very little of interest in the news at all.
Since everyone of importance has evidently gone on vacation, on Sunday CBS’s “60 Minutes” dredged up National Security Adviser, Susan Rice who talked to Lesley Stahl.
The interview was described this morning in Politico via Drudge, in an article by Andrea Drusch. And the most surprising thing was that when given the chance to admit the administration’s mistakes in distorting the facts regarding the Benghazi attack, Rice stuck to her original fabrication.
Rice apparently claimed that “I don’t have time to think about the false controversy. In the midst of all of the swirl about things like talking points, the administration has been working very, very hard across the globe to review our security of our embassies and our facilities. That’s what we ought to be focused on.”
Her answer’s interesting because she seems to be treating the issue as something done in the past and forgotten which is unequivocally not the case. Several Congressional committees are still diligently working to overcome roadblocks and attempts by the administration to suppress the facts, however, sooner or later they’ll be disclosed and examined in depth.
Consequently, once again the supposedly most technically sophisticated administration from bottom to top has ignored how the capture of information and data has changed in the nation. Because today, not only is most factual information permanently recorded in one way or another, examples are frequently seen everywhere of that same information harmfully resurfacing again and doing considerable damage to fabricators.
So, in time an interview such as yesterday’s, where previous falsehoods were resurrected will wind up right alongside others such as Ms Rice’s boss wholeheartedly pledging to all that if they like their present health care plan, provider and cost, they can unequivocally keep them.
That’s the kind of total misrepresentation that can haunt prevaricators forever, and there’s little doubt about where Ms Rice learned how to present hers. The example was set right from the top by her boss.
That’s it for today folks.
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