Today is one where two stories and reports are so incredibly ridiculous, you couldn’t possibly dream this stuff up. Both of them concern the EPA, which obviously has a purposeful agenda and far too much time and money available.
Fox News reports that: “Republican leaders on the House Science Committee are accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of disregarding science in its push to impose carbon dioxide limits on power plants.
Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and 20 other Republican lawmakers sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on Thursday, claiming the agency has "muzzled" members of its independent science advisory board.”
The lawmakers are upset because of an EPA proposal requiring emissions caps for new coal-fired power plants and would likely require the industry to use carbon-capture technology, which involves burying the carbon underground.
But here’s the rub because, “Critics of the proposed rule say the technology, which is still under development, is too expensive, not commercially available and poses safety risks, while also claiming “the agency is ignoring dissenting voices on its science advisory board, which recommended a review of the science underpinning the newest power plant rule.”
So, what it boils down to is the EPA requiring utilization of extremely expensive technology that doesn’t even exist yet.
However, as inane as the first story is, the second is even farther off the grid. In fact, I laughed so hard after reading the item, I wasn’t sure I could type any comments.
This one’s from Drudge, as follows: “Thanks to EPA regulations, state regulations, and military goals, traditional lead ammo is on its way out and "green bullets" are on their way in. As Breitbart News reported on December 1, EPA regulations led to the closing of the Herculaneum lead smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri, which is expected to push up prices for traditional lead ammo.
On top of this are regulations like the recent statewide lead ammo ban in California. Signed by Governor Jerry Brown (D) on October 11, this ban forces hunters to seek out nontraditional alternatives for their ammunition. In this way, the ban mandates "green bullets" by default.
Moreover, as Fox News reports, the military has set 2018 as its target date to have troops operating lead-free-ammo. "Green bullets" have been under testing at Picatinny Arsenal since 2010, and the Army plans to issue "a lead-free version of the 7.62 mm rounds fired from M-14 rifles... in 2014." The Army already switched to a greener 5.56 mm "enhanced performance round" in 2010.
With the military committing to the switch, the EPA making smelting a tougher business, and governors passing state-level lead ammo bans, experts say "lead bullets will be all but phased out within a few years in favor of so-called green bullets."
So, in this case, we have the EPA concerned that our enemies and the animals killed for sport are shot with ammo that’s better for their health. And, I guess, if you stop to think about it, it’s quite sympatico. Because any shooting victim would likely appreciate their last few moments on earth to be environmentally safer.
In that regard, there will likely be a government demand that lead ammo still in use be labeled similarly to other potentially dangerous intake. Something like: "The Surgeon General Has Determined That Being Shot With These Bullets is Dangerous to Your Health."
In that regard, there will likely be a government demand that lead ammo still in use be labeled similarly to other potentially dangerous intake. Something like: "The Surgeon General Has Determined That Being Shot With These Bullets is Dangerous to Your Health."
Which means that nuclear weapons should also meet clean air standards, to ensure a healthier aftermath and safer barren wasteland. Submarines too, should have “green” torpedoes while hangman’s nooses be made of biodegradable fiber. The list just goes on and on.
But to be absolutely there’s no error in the manufacture of ecologically perfect ammunition, the tests should be done by aiming them at the EPA hierarchy and pulling the trigger, to see if the bullets still work as effectively as they should.
That’s it for today folks.
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