It frequently seems that those in the current administration are completely out of touch with the rest of the population, or intellectually incapable of grasping how obtuse they sound.
Today’s example regards the latest totally ridiculous attempt at having the incumbent appear to face the same circumstances he foists on ordinary citizens. And whether he came up with the idea himself, or more likely, went along what was drummed up by some dweeb on his staff, the results the same, the premise is preposterous.
Yesterday, the White House made a big splash over the fact that the incumbent “personally selected the so-called Bronze Plan, White House officials said. It is the least expensive of the four ObamaCare plans, costing less than $400 a month, but comes with the highest deductible and co-payments. He did not sign up his family.”
Now, being fully aware that presidents receive medical perks, but not being familiar with the details, I looked them up and found some very interesting stuff about some pretty incredible freebies.
According to Jane McGrath and Jacob Clifton of howstuffworks on-line: Air Force One is a Boeing 747-200B Series aircraft. It has three levels, with some 4,000 square feet including a private office, conference room, living quarters for the president, accommodations for staff members and a medical suite/operating room “
In the White House itself, the “physician to the president is the director of the White House medical unit, which is a part of the White House military office, and treats the vice president, family members and White House staff and visitors. He or she oversees a staff of five military physicians, five nurses, five physician assistants, three medics, three administrators and an IT Manager.”
Additionally, here are some other add-on’s that come with the incumbent’s job that the article noted: “Despite the cushy facilities, most people are even more impressed with the scope of services the White House provides. In addition to cleaning, laundry and errands of all kinds, various staff members are always at the beck and call of the president and first family for whatever they need. Aside from administrative assistants who tend to business needs, the White House staff includes groundskeepers, florists, valets and butlers, a pastry chef and 24-hour cooking staff.
Added up, all these domestic perks amount to a pretty penny. The flowers alone, which adorn every room as well as dot the grounds, cost an estimated $252,000 per year [source: Kessler]. Annually, upkeep for the White House costs approximately $4 million.”
Furthermore, the benefits don’t cease after leaving office whereas, according to Wikipedia: “The Former Presidents Act (known also as FPA) (3 U.S.C. § 102) is a 1958 federal law that provides several lifetime benefits to former presidents of the United States.
Former presidents are entitled to medical treatment in military hospitals; they pay for this at interagency rates set by the Office of Management and Budget. Two-term presidents may buy health insurance under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.”
And then, coming back to the inanity of yesterday’s White House health care tax pitch, and the incumbent’s sign-up, a spokesperson said, “But he was pleased to participate in a plan as a show of support for these marketplaces, which are providing quality, affordable health care options to more than a million people.”
What catches the eye in that one is the part about: “providing quality, affordable health care options to more than a million people.”
Because if that statistic's true, it means that the disruption and ruination of the nation’s health care system and incredible expense to be borne by three hundred million citizens, was done to benefit only a million others. Most of whom don’t like the program either.
So, if you ever need assistance in determining how not to do anything correctly, regardless of topic, simply look up what’s been done by those now in the White House. Because they represent absolute and total incapability, no matter the subject.
That’s it for today folks.
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