Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The incumbent’s campaigning again today, babbling about how his healthcare tax website’s been fixed. But, since all he does is sell programs that don’t work as promised, except for partisan listeners, my guess is everyone else ignores him by now.
It occurred to me this morning, that now that the incumbent’s proudly proclaimed that his website’s running as well as the private sector, had he been a salesman in the real world, selling continually 24-7-365, he’d likely have sold billions of dollars worth of stuff by now. Except in the real world, you can return things that are defective, so he’d not only be broke, he’d more than likely be in debtor’s prison for life.
Then, while looking for some information, I came across a cartoon  sent by a friend back on 9/23/2010, showing an older woman shaking her head as she says; “Let me get this straight. We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!
What the hell could possibly go wrong?”
So, whoever wrote the preceding more than three years ago saw the impending disaster clearly even back then. Yet, the incumbent is still pushing that same ill-conceived, unworkable attempt at redistribution despite the senseless damage done to millions in the process. Which means that as amusing as the cartoon was back then, it really isn’t funny at all.
However, in keeping with its performance record so far, the next item confirms once more that, as far as the current administration’s concerned, everything it touches turns for the worse while costs and problems greatly increase. And, what’s even more despicable, that’s exactly what those in control expect.
According to Chris Stirewalt, Fox News on-line, “The White House has laid out its preliminary plans to offer more money to insurers to "help offset the loss of premium revenue and profit" under the president's health law.
The regulatory filing, blames the bailout on President Obama’s sudden reversal of his long-planned regulations forcing insurers to cancel millions of policies. Obama nixed his rules after a public backlash over his misleading promise to voters in 2012 about keeping their insurance policies and doctors.”
And here's how the pocket-picking's being done. The bailout’s allowed under a little-known provision of the law, and any relief to insurance companies would come on top of $1 trillion in subsidies they are slated to receive over the next ten years.
Consequently, taxpayer’s are once again getting slammed both ways. First by paying for lesser health care at higher costs, and then bailing out major insurers potentially harmed by a con game promoted by liars. 
Which brings me back to my original premise for today. That any salesman in the real world promoting the cons and schemes we’ve seen from the incumbent so far would not only be terminally unemployable, they’d be pushing rocks on a prison farm.
That’s it for today folks.

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