Monday, April 9, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/9/2012

What struck me the most while scanning the news this morning wasn't the items themselves, most of which were quite boring, but instead all the posturing, finger-pointing and attempts of responsible politicians to duck out from under their incompetence and horrendous mistakes.

For example, according to the White House, the just under a million dollar Las Vegas bash thrown by the GSA on taxpayer's bucks wasn't their idea at all, they were simply following the precedent set by the Bush administration. The same argument applies as far as unemployment's concerned, because although the number's decreasing, it's still too high, however it's not the incumbent's fault -he says he inherited all the job market problems from his predecessor.

Then, as you continue down the list of the nation's woes it seems that Harry Truman's credo was never heard by the group at the top right now, because all they seem to do is whine and wheedle and tell you that the buck stops somewhere else.

But, I think the situation's changing rapidly right under the administration's nose and they're living in the political past. Because today the voting public knows too much and has access to actual data twenty four/seven/three sixty five (this year 366).

Consequently, those who are well-informed aren't likely to buy a distorted story when the reported facts clearly tell them something else. They also aren't going to accept a manufactured tale when they have access to the truth themselves. And, most important of all, arrogant answers and attempts to imply that folks don't understand the issues because they're too complex, isn't only a misrepresentation it's a demeaning insult as well.

So, I think the administration needs to make a slight adjustment in its plan and approach if they want re-election. Because although they may be out of time, they've got to start actually trying to fix the problems they've caused instead of creating straw men to blame to cover their ineptness. But then again, that approach may not work for them either, because as far as fixing problems goes, it looks like they've pretty much proven they don't know how.

That's it for today folks.


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