A couple of weeks ago, I pasted a whole page of comments from Bill Cosby as one of my entry's because I thought they were, timely, accurate and worth reading exactly as he wrote them. Today, he's a subject again, except this time my opinion's the complete reverse regarding some things he said.
Addressing the much publicized shooting in Sanford, Florida by a neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, Cosby said, “the gun” empowered Mr. Zimmerman. Then he went on, “We’ve got to get the gun out of the hands of people who are supposed to be on neighborhood watch. Without a gun, I don’t see Mr. Zimmerman approaching Trayvon by himself. The power-of-the-gun mentality had him unafraid to confront someone. Even police call for backup in similar situations."
As for me, I have no clue as to how many gun-toting neighborhood watchmen patrol all over the nation every day, but logic tells me there must be thousands of them. And I don't recall reading about lots of shootings by them of anyone, in fact, I really don't remember any at all. But I do know there are countless robberies, muggings, break-ins murders, sexual assaults among other crimes committed daily simply because the perps are armed and the victims aren't.
So simply because one watchman may have erred, which is yet to be proven, Cosby thinks everyone else choosing to legally protect themselves should be put in danger, which I believe is upside down. And what's worse is when all law abiding citizens give up their arms, the only one's carrying will be the cops and the crooks making everyone else a defenseless pigeon.
Consequently, although I'm not advocating that every citizen should be armed, they certainly should have the choice. Because if it were me and my property or life simply was at risk because the law prohibited me from protecting myself while the crooks illegally did as they pleased, I think it's the lawmakers who should be shot.
That's it for today folks.
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