Busy day today, not much time for blogging. But, a blurb on Fox News website this morning caught my eye. Here's what it says:
"So far, we're seeing the Obama campaign run very much like the Bush campaign in 1992. The focus is on painting Romney as a secret radical whose personal background should be disqualifying to hold the highest office in the land."
As I read the comment, I almost fell off my chair because if I ever saw an idea that will ultimately blow up in smithereens, this is the one. Because, as far as the guy in the White House right now goes, I don't think there's ever been any POTUS with a murkier history than his. I've heard suppositions that he's come from a foreign country, was imported from somewhere like the Manchurian Candidate was, or found floating in a basket on a river, among a whole carload of other suggestions.
Now, as far as where he actually comes from is concerned, I doubt it means very much since he's already almost finished his term. But if he allows this to really become an issue, which in turn will incent his opponent to try retaliation, I believe there's a very good chance he's the one that's going to be the one who's credentials will come up short.
And that brings me right back to my theme of late about the coming election. If the Republicans are truly as smart as they claim, their best bet is to leave the incumbent's strategists and supporters alone. Because those folks are so far beyond stupid, they'll bury their leaders hopes all by themselves alone.
That's it for today folks.
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