Friday, April 27, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/27/2012

Today's subject regards confusion. Because although I've generally considered myself to be reasonably intelligent and able to grasp subject matter more often than not, there are times when I simply can't understand things going on around me at all. And this is one of those instances.

I've been mentioning for quite some time now the horrendous damage done to the nation by the administration via its campaign to wipe out U.S. production of fossil fuels. Along those lines I've even speculated about whether the reason is purely due to lobbying environmentalists or perhaps as payback to George Soros and for especially vigorous campaign support.

However, regardless of the reason for the war on gasoline, the results the same. Significant damage has been done to the overall economy, unemployment remains abnormally high, creeping inflation exists in segments related to fossil fuel usage and domestic business expansion is not nearly as robust as anticipated.

Now, while all the preceding has been discussed, rehashed and speculated upon in media coverage, it wasn't until just yesterday that visual proof of a focused attack on U.S. oil production surfaced by way of a taped EPA conference in 2010. The video's featured speaker was, Al Armendariz, a presidential appointee in November 2009, as  regional director of the agency's Region Six, which covers Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

By now, I'm sure that Mr. Armendez' comments about his goal of intimidating and inhibiting oil producers is widely known, but here's the part I truly don't understand. How can something like this go on in our nation today? And how is it possible that a government flunky like this guy can wield enough power to add billions to the population's cost of living? And how can politicians accept the harm done to their constituents by blindly assisting a "leader" who's sworn agenda is to break the economic back of his own nation?

And that brings me back to my subject for today. Because I'm sitting here typing all these questions, reading them back and realizing that this situation makes no sense whatsoever. And that's because unless one is either completely deranged, or receiving some kind of huge payoff for themselves, who would willingly sit back and gloat about helping do their fellow countrymen in?

That's it for today folks.


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