I really don't know very much about the specifics of how magicians, card-cheats and pickpockets ply their trades, but from the little I've read it seems they all have one talent in common. They're able to get victims and pigeons to concentrate on one of their hands, while the other does something else. So, for example, while a crooked poker player noisily stacks his chips with his right hand, capturing a sucker's attention, he deftly slides aces from his sleeve with his left.
What made me think of these scammers, low-life's and thieves was the president's ploy yesterday where he vowed to go after and nab all the speculators that he says are driving oil prices higher via market manipulation and futures purchases on large margins.
However, while there's surely some validity to the point that speculation can drive future prices up, there's far more to the issue than that. Because what was left unsaid were the facts that there's still been no real return to former levels of drilling in the Gulf, the pipeline from Canada is still being blocked, and despite significant improvement in techniques for environmental protection, green energy lobbyists continue to force our reliance on foreign supply.
So, when all's said and done, it's still the same old story for this administration politics-wise. The most important thing for them is pandering to their misguided base, even if it takes every cent the working population's got.
That's it for today folks.
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