Saturday, April 7, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/7/2012

Not much going on in the news, except for Boom Boom leading the Masters at age 52. It's only half way through the event and the odds are huge against his actually prevailing, but still, for the moment I think it's great.

I've been a Freddy Couples fan since he arrived on the Pro tour and find him to be one of a very small group of athletes who actually relates to folks because he wants and likes to, not because his sponsors and agent tell him he has to, or else. Freddy lives in his own zone, unperturbed by much else than hitting a  shot, finding his ball and then hitting it again, which is what real golfers are all about. And as for the tournament in Augusta this week, slim odds or not, you never know...with his boatload of talent and a little good luck, maybe he'll beat the most important adversary he has...Father Time.

On the political front, I keep reading about the incumbent's incessant appearances and his remarks to whatever group his handlers have stacked the room with while he bombast's and browbeats his listeners. And, as I read about his manipulation of yesterday's unemployment numbers and his attempt to convince whoever he was addressing that they were good, I got to thinking about what I believe is his immense underestimation of voter's intellects.

Because while it's true that the trend in employment is up, it's nowhere near where it should be. And as far as the statistics go one of the major reasons for the appearance of a shrinking number of those unemployed is that so many have stopped looking for work altogether, they've greatly reduced the base upon which the calculation's performed.

So, what I really think matters most isn't what politicians say, preach or promise, it's what's really happening that counts. And in category upon category around the nation, almost without exception, things have gotten progressively worse for all under this administration. From the economy, to health care, to the Middle-East, to fewer jobs, union proliferation, deteriorating education and practically anything else you can think of.

So, when it comes to next November I don't think it will matter very much what the incumbent says in speeches, because I don't think you can change facts with words. And if it were me running for re-election, I don't think I'd say anything much. I'd focus instead on really trying to fix the problems instead of yapping my brains out while actually doing less than nothing at all. 

That's it for today folks.


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