Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/4/2012

Unfortunately, because of the complexity of leading the most successful and powerful  nation in the world on just about all fronts, I suspect the job requirements are quite simply beyond the comprehension of a significant segment number of voters. I don't write that to be demeaning to them, it's just that there's really no way for many, many people to acquire the information and education needed to select the best person for the nation, in regard to the country's overall condition at the time of the vote.

Consequently, I think that quite often, especially since the advent of TV, pleasing personal appearance, charisma and presence have played a huge part in voter's selection of unqualified candidates, although there certainly have been exceptions such as Nixon and "W." Bush, as examples of those unpleasing to many.

But this time around, I think a candidate's persona is going to help an underdog unseat a very popular incumbent.

 Last night I listened to Mitt Romney's speech after his significant wins in Maryland, Wisconsin and D.C. And what impressed me deeply was his matter of fact, been there before, understated control and complete, mature, professionalism. He seems to me be the kind of guy folks will listen to and trust. But, above all, was his mastery of the facts and concise presentation of them. Throughout I saw him use almost no notes as he maintained unbroken contact with his audience.

His approach especially resounded with me because as a businessman myself I understand that no matter how you deliver actual information and hard core results; the data speaks for itself so your personal presentation style isn't going to change them. Therefore, no matter what those facts are, it's always best to deliver them clearly, succinctly and most importantly, in a professional matter.

On the other hand, simply due to the timing, we had the current incumbent trying to intimidate the Supreme Court justices by ranting, raving, threatening, and behaving like a spoiled four year old. And that to me made a significant impression because it so dramatically highlighted the difference between cool, clear, possession of control under stress as compared to outright, unbridled immaturity.

 Now, obviously, I have no clue whatsoever as to who'll wind up in the White House next year but just wanted to make the point that if Mr. Romney can keep conducting himself as he did in last night's presentation, I think he's going to find enough people will be impressed enough to help him get the keys for himself.

That's it for today folks.


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