Saying that Mitt Romney's “pragmatism” and “moderate impulses” make him the best candidate ahead of tomorrow's primary election there, the Wisconsin Sentinel Journal wrote that he's the “clear choice in an uninspired -and now dwindling- field.”
The newspaper's comment caught my eye because it made me wonder exactly what is that they want in a presidential candidate. Would they prefer someone who makes lots of noise, rants and raves, and extols about extremes rather than a serious-minded, experienced problem solver who's handled similar responsibility before?
As for me, I think there's little doubt that if the nation's economy isn't put back on solid footing, there's not going to be much left that can be done in any other aspect of citizen's lives -because all of our resources will have been spent and wasted. And if that's truly the case, it takes someone with particular business skills to fix the problems. Which means that it's experience that counts, not showmanship. Because folks like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Alan Greenspan aren't known for their charisma -which hardly exists- they're respected for their professional capabilities, success and experience.
On the other hand, there are folks like Donald Trump who fits the "inspiring" mold for unknowing, gullible people who buy the hype, noise and smoke. However, in his case, after he lost all his dad's real estate and tanked some casinos and an airline that went belly up -he turned himself into a TV show host with no financial responsibility whatsoever where he delivers tons of BS for entertainment
So, I think these newspaper folks have to decide what's really important for the nation, and perhaps get themselves some hard information on what it actually takes to spearhead the most successful economy in the world. And the importance of that premise can be seen very, very clearly right now. Because the all-talk and charisma guy presently at the top having no business acumen whatsoever, has amassed $15 trillion in national debt without an iota of an idea how to fix it.
That's it for today folks.
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