Saturday, April 21, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/21/2012

A comment the incumbent made a couple of days ago stuck in my mind, so this morning I looked it up via Google. As it turns out, on Wednesday, according to CBS News Political Hotsheet on-line he said  he"wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth." And that remark caused Mitt Romney to state on the following day that he would not apologize for his father's success.

Now, while in one aspect this seems to me like simply another case where the president took a cheap shot at his presumptive rival next fall, I think it's also glaring evidence of his continuing attempts to divide the nation into haves and have not's which is just about as far from the American Dream as you can get. And I believe he has a very, very solid reason for that.

As I've been noting for quite a while now, just about every attempt the incumbents made at leadership has failed. Aside from that, due to mismanagement, inexperience, and absence of knowledge, new evidences of incapability arise almost daily. So consequently, with no successes to point to, there's little left except continual attempts to smear and demean a rival.

However, the foe he's attacking is a perfect example of what the nation is all about.  Because, according to the CBS article, Mitt's father George was born in Mexico and was poor as a child. He worked in fields, and became a lath and plaster apprentice after his family returned to the United States. He sold paint cans from his car to pay for gas and hotels during his honeymoon. From that beginning he eventually rose to become a wealthy automobile executive and a three-term governor of Michigan.

Benefiting from the start his dad provided, after attending private schools Mitt Romney went on to Brigham Young University, Harvard University and success in the private equity business where today his net worth's estimated between $190 and $250 million.

Now, as for myself, I see these folks as one's who took advantage of the opportunities the nation provides to any and all who have the talents and will to try to succeed. And I can't understand for a moment why anyone would try to demean that kind of accomplishment.  But what makes even less sense is the implication that being born to successful parents is some kind of defect and to be criticized.

However, in the incumbent's world I guess he'd have some real admiration for Mitt's dad if he'd sneaked across the border from Mexico, never became a citizen, faked his way into receiving welfare and illegally voted Democrat for the rest of his life, because that's the perfect model for his party of failures and parasites.  

That's it for today folks.


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