Tuesday, January 4, 2011

BloggeRhythms 1/4/2011

Congress goes into action on Wednesday, and one of the first agenda items is repeal of the new health care law. And that's not really out of touch with public desires because, according to polling data, almost 70% want either major revisions or total repeal.

What I thought very interesting though, was why many Democrats are in favor of leaving the bill alone. According to them, too much hard work and effort went into passing the legislation and, therefore, the bill should not be touched. Yet, none of them has said much about the virtues of the law itself.

From their response I'd have to assume their idol was someone like Sisyphus, the Greek character who was doomed to pushing a rock up a hill forever, but could never get it to the top. He spent eternity wasting effort on a worthless cause, and, evidently, so do Democrats. Of course, that's really not too odd, because right up to and including Nancy Pelosi herself, very few of them read the bill at all.

In a nutshell the bill is designed to force the 70% of folks who have health care insurance to subsidize the 10% that don't. And in the process, require those who are primarily younger to purchase a product they neither need nor want. So, basically it comes down to redistribution of wealth, a basic tenet of socialism and the very opposite of the system that made our country the greatest on the planet.

Beyond that, there might be some further discussion on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which was repealed by the lame duck Congress. Because, according to top military personnel in the field, it's far better if issues like sexual orientation are kept quiet, especially in combat where there might be ramifications. So, perhaps, once again bench jockeys have made decisions affecting areas they know little to nothing about, but really don't care because they're being politically correct, which has nothing at all to do with the real world.

Then there's the extension of tax cuts which Republicans want to make permanent and their opposition does not, which can be added to the decision to enter a new nuclear missile treaty with the Russians. In the treaty case, after making a huge amount of noise about how great the agreement is and how much safer the country will be, the Rusky's said they needed more review time and haven't been heard from since.

And what all this adds up to is, that all that's really been happening is a lot of political noise. Because the increasingly aware voting public isn't buying the hype and the smoke. And while the administration's pursuing it's agenda of social reform, the economy's continuing to tank. Which means that officeholders have, once again, completely missed the point.

And what that means is, that in the not too distant future the unemployment number's going to increase by quite a lot, when all the incumbents from both sides hit the silk. Except, I'm not too sure if being voted of office is tantamount to being unemployed, because I'm pretty sure that to be employed in the first place, you have to do some productive work.

That's it for today folks.


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