The founding fathers had the right idea. They all had businesses, professions or other non-political occupations or pastimes, and they governed only at particular times or when absolutely necessary otherwise. But, somehow or other, the whole things gotten completely out of hand.
Today we have folks in office who aren't qualified to tie their own shoes, working full time on schemes, plans and ridiculous ideas that aren't worth the paper or whatever else they might be written on, simply because they think they've been ordained. Beyond that, these intellectually limited, societal freeloaders spend three hundred sixty-five days a year muddying everyone else's lives because they have nothing better to do with their worthless, tax-payer funded, time.
As for me, for almost all my life I didn't really know who any elected officials were, except for the president. That's because I spent all my time working, or with family and friends never caring who was elected to what unless it directly affected me. That's why, when election day came around I ran my finger down the row of buttons, voting for those who seemed to favor lower taxes and less government in my life, but I never read any of the names or cared what party they claimed to be in. I still do it that way today.
But, now I have more time available to me, and I also have this blog which I try to keep timely. So, for the first time, I've actually spent some time in the last couple of years paying more attention to what folks in the news actually say or do. And what's been striking me the most is, not so much that people in politics are such card-carrying phonies...I've always thought that. But, the level of their vapidity makes me wonder how they function at all. And stranger that that, who'd willingly allow them into office?
Now, I could sit here and type about countless things I notice about what politicians do, and how ridiculous most of their babbling's are. But I don't, simply because it's pretty boring and there are others out there who point this stuff out in the media all day long. But, every once in a while, one of them does something beyond stupid.
There's this guy, Peter King, from New York and apparently he needs some press, so he's introducing a bill that would make it illegal to knowingly carry a gun within a thousand feet of "certain high-profile" government officials.
Now, let's think about that. Who would that bill stop from carrying a gun near "high-profile" government officials? The answer is, you and me and of course, and any other law-abiding citizens who don't carry weapons in the first place. But, would it stop a loony, kook or fanatic? I think we saw the answer to that one a couple of days ago in Arizona. That guy was determined to mow folks down and some new law no one will even remember isn't likely to have stopped him.
So why don't these politicians stop trying to make headlines for themselves by taking advantage of others tragedies for personal gain? But, that would take some thought, caring and understanding -traits most politicos are void of.
That's it for today folks.
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