Busy, busy day today. This is the latest entry I've ever typed. It'll also be short.
And speaking of short, if I understand the Republicans plan correctly, they're going to have the shortest election cycle in history. Because they had a well-thought out plan to try overturning the very unpopular and ill-conceived health care law and an agenda focused on righting the economy.
But, what did I read this morning?
These folks are going to try and ban abortion again. And if there's one issue that will bring their party down, that's it. It makes no sense for me to list all the pro's and con's about this hot-button topic, but suffice to say it will do the Republicans in, vote-wise, if they really pursue the issue.
As for me, if health care gets overturned and they can actually reduce taxes to stimulate growth, more power to them. But, election-wise, they're cooked and did it to themselves. What a bunch of morons.
That's it for today folks.
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