Tuesday, January 25, 2011

BloggeRhythms 1/25/2011

Something I've never understood, and doubt that I ever will, is the purpose of speeches by incumbents...especially in the last twenty years or so. Between the media, word of mouth, and lately the Internet, for anyone who has an interest in what politicos of any kind are doing, all they have to do is look it up. Hard information's available 24-7-365.

Aside from that, political blather is exactly that and has no value at all. So, if you really want to what any incumbent has done, simply look it up. And as anyone with any experience in listening to politicians knows, there's usually a huge difference between what's said, sold or promised and what they actually do.

So then, what's the purpose of the State of the Union message? Because,unless they've been living under a turnip, I doubt there's anyone in America who's not painfully aware of the state it's in, and, whether they'll or not admit it, who put it there to begin with.

That's why tonight, while the president tries to scramble toward the middle verbally and promises to focus on jobs, anyone with half a brain knows that's what he has to do to keep his job. But, the odds are, after the lip service is through he'll go back to his same old, same old attempts to keep the country weak which will benefit his friends and simultaneously sink those in business.

As for me, the speech will have little affect on my TV schedule. I never watch the networks or news channels in the evening to begin with, I always prefer to fall asleep to a movie or comedy re-run. But even if I click on one of the channels by accident that's carrying the address, it really won't matter. Because I never have the sound on -and that's always the best way to deal with meaningless speeches.

That's it for today folks.


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