Thursday, January 27, 2011

BloggeRhythms 1/27/2011

There's very little better than knowing that so-called "experts" are wrong, abusing their status or are just plain frauds. And sometimes you have to be quite patient before these phonies are exposed. But if you hang in there long enough and bite your tongue, the truth will eventually surface.

And that's why I've been having so much fun this winter.

Because with every shovelful of snow I toss, I'm helping disprove all the BS about global warming. And, this season there've been really huge drifts to remove.

Snow's fallen eight times in New York since December 14. That averages about once every five days. And after this Wednesday's deluge the area's already seen 36 inches of snow this season, compared to the full-winter average of 21 inches.

Now, I'm sure there are global warming proponents that'll say "Aha! The snowfall's the exception that proves the rule." Because the best defense of any harebrained concept is usually gibberish. But expecting this kind of answer, I looked the meaning of the exception concept up.

The idea was first proposed by Cicero in his defense of Lucius Cornelius Balbus, whoever he was, and Cicero's concept states: "The fact that an exception is stated serves to establish the existence of a rule that applies to cases not covered by the exception."

Now, I'm sure there are people out there who might have a clue as to what Cicero meant, but I'm not one of them. In fact, this might be something to ask Joe Biden about, because he uses phrases that are similar all the time. But, as for me, I'm just going to keep looking out my snow covered window for Cicero. Because, maybe he has a shovel and wants to earn a couple of bucks digging out my car.

That's it for today folks.


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