The headline story everywhere continues to be the Arizona shooting, and as I stated yesterday, everybody and his brother has seemed to jump on board with some kind of opinion on the matter.
As near as I can determine the gunman had no political affiliation, and didn't even cast a vote in the recent mid-term election. Yet, folks are jumping up and down and screaming that lack of gun control's the problem and calling the shooter a right-wing fanatic who's out to eliminate the Democrat party.
As for me, I don't own a gun and never wished to. I've always felt that if push came to shove, unless I ran into some armed weirdo, I'd be able to take care of myself without one. But, now that I'm getting older, I'm not so sure I won't change my mind. Because as our world changes, there may be different kinds of threats to face than I'm used to. However, that remains to be seen.
As far as other folks go, though. Especially solid citizens who feel it's important to have weapons, I see no problem with that. And, as I mentioned yesterday, with the size of our population there are very few incidents involving regular, everyday people and guns.
On the other hand, if gun control was enforced...who'd still be carrying weapons? The group would include only the military, cops and crooks. Now, under most circumstances I certainly have no problem with the military having weapons. In fact, since their primary purpose is to protect me, I hope their arsenal gets bigger, more deadly and better. And, as far as most cops are concerned I feel pretty much the same way. But that still leaves another group out there that will never give up their arms -the crooks. And those are the ones that scare me.
As somebody said a long time ago, laws keep honest people honest. And as proven time and time over and then some, honest folks are really never ones to worry much about. But crooks are another story. And as for me, until I'm absolutely sure that everyone of them has been locked up and will never get out, I'd like to retain my right to protect myself. Because I don't want my epitaph to say that I lived my life strictly by the book, but unfortunately for me, the guy who shot me didn't.
That's it for today folks.
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