Monday, January 10, 2011

BloggeRhythms 1/10/2011

The headline news everywhere today is the mass shooting tragedy in Arizona, killing six, wounding 14 and seriously wounding Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. And what strikes me the most is the way everyone with an axe to grind reacts.

Because, so far I've seen very little real concern for those who lost their lives or were wounded. Nonetheless, there are sound bites by the carload regarding whatever it is anyone thinks they can gain for themselves via someone else's loss.

Politicians are screaming for gun control on one side, anti-terrorist groups claim it was some kind of plot, others promise that if you vote for them things like this will never happen again. Yet, as a practical matter, what happened was, a deranged loner shot someone he despised.

So, the thing that strikes me the most about the event is, that when the issues are sorted out this will likely prove out to be a singular, though very tragic occurrence. And, at the same time, we've just finished a census that says 330 million or so folks occupy this nation. What that means is that out of all those hundreds of millions of people, one of them went nuts.

So, in light of the statistics, it's highly unlikely that there needs to be major legislation upheavals or the dissolution of one political party or another as some would like to see, but rather a straightforward investigation into the facts of the shooting and an adjudication of the individual case.

And, as far as those who're trying to leverage their own causes over someone else's tragic loss, let's hope that next time, some shooter gets them in their sights.

That's it for today folks.


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