Sometimes, extremely complex things can be summed up in very few words, if those words cut to the core of issues. And that can certainly be proven by a comment from a Senator from Iowa. Tom Harkin's a Democrat who's not happy with the president's consent to an across the board extension of tax cuts.
Harkin griped that it's "a moral outrage," that tax cuts for the "rich" would be extended for two years while long-term unemployment aid would be extended for only one. And in that simple sentence, Harkin voiced the incredible vapidity that typical Democrats display in anything regarding economics, business, income, expense or anything having to do with how the real world works regarding money.
Had this guy spent as little as ten minutes trying to understand why several huge problems exist in our present economy, he might have learned that half of the "rich" aren't wealthy at all by any realistic standard, but they happen to run the small businesses that help drive the entire economy. They do that by not only paying taxes, but by providing jobs and benefits for employees, in addition to purchasing materials and supplies thereby pumping funds into other enterprises, which in turn helps the economic water level to rise across the board. On the other hand, increases and/or extensions of unemployment benefits incents recipients to keep sitting on their useless tails and becoming more and more stagnant.
And because its critical to the economy to keep these small businesses running and growing, it's a smart thing to do to find out why most business owner are reluctant to spend and grow. In the present situation it's been known for some time that the key stumbling block to business investment is uncertainty about taxes, and the fear among business owners that the government will simply take more from them of what they earn down the line. Thus, by government promising to leave current tax rates untouched it's providing some security to those owners. And that, on its own, will lead to economic growth.
But, on the other hand, I can also see why this guy Harkin, and a lot of his colleagues, have a problem with giving more money to people that produce then to those whom are dead wood. Because as someone in government, it's highly likely that he has no concept at all of what employment really is, or for that matter, anything regarding "work" at all. He also probably believes that money originates from the Handout Fairy who gives folks whatever funds they may need, and has no idea where her bucks actually came from.
Thus, the only real regret I have is that our system works the way is does at present, with all collected taxes flowing into Washington. Because if these politicos had to actually come into our homes to steal what they do from us, to give to someone else after they take their share off the top, we'd be able to shoot them on the spot. And no court would ever convict us of doing anything wrong, because break-in and theft happen to be illegal in the U.S.
That's it for today folks.
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