Saturday, December 25, 2010

BloggeRhythms 12/25/2010

Santa hasn't visited our house yet, but he's a very busy guy today and there's still plenty of time left for him to show up. And since there's absolutely nothing else going on today of any interest, I thought I'd go back to yesterday's item.

I mentioned that the administration now plans to use Bill Clinton on a regular basis, to shore up the White House's message and image. I also said that I thought that was good news for the Republicans. And the more I think about it, the more I believe that's true.

To me, it couldn't be more evident that what voters demonstrated loud and clear at the polls is that they want government to be directly responsive to their needs and to stop serving its own misguided ideals. Firstly because we can't afford them and then because the majority of citizens don't want to become a socialist nation.

But, since politicians can't think beyond the end of their nose, they seek to employ age old tactics of fast talk and deception, and that's why, instead of making any attempt to truly respond to voters wishes, they roll out the master of hogwash. Because if you searched the earth you couldn't find an emptier suit than Bill Clinton.

Without going into great detail, because I'm working from memory not documentation, I don't recall any great, or even really substantive legislation, coming out of the Clinton years. But, I do vaguely recollect something like 50 murders or disappearances of folks who got too close to truths about underlying scandals, right up to Vince Foster who mysteriously showed up dead in Fort Marcy Park with no evident way for his being able to get there from the White House.

Then there was Whitewater and all the "gates". Filegate, Travelgate, Cattlegate and Billinggate. In Filegate, Xerox's were found in the White House book room, two years after they were first sought because it was improper that the White House rummage through 900 FBI files on Republican officials in the Bush and Reagan administration.

In Travelgate the Clinton's fired career travel staffers to make way for cronies. White House memos say Hillary Clinton was behind it, spurred on by Clinton Hollywood pal Harry Thomason, who was seeking a piece of the lucrative White House charter business. Cattlegate, involved Hillary's mysterious ability to turn a $1,000 investment into a $100,000 profit on cattle futures. Experts say that was virtually impossible in normal trading.

In Billing-gate, Hillary's law-billing records were "lost," raising questions about her role in a sham called Castle Grande. Though subpoenaed in 1994. the paperwork was missing until early 1996, turning up in a White House room next to her office. She says she doesn't know how they got there. The pages had her fingerprints around the section on Castle Grande and red ink notations in the late Vince Foster's handwriting.

Although everyone in the world likely remembers Whitewater, some refreshing can't hurt. Here, Jim and Susan McDougal, the Clintons' Whitewater partners, both were convicted of fraud. President Clinton himself lied when denying knowledge of an illegal $300,000 loan to bail out Whitewater. The loan wasn't repaid, and taxpayers were left holding the bag.

Then of course, there was Bill's relationship with 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, leading to another scandal. In a lame duck session after the 1998 elections, the House voted to impeach Clinton, based on allegations he lied about his relationship with Lewinsky in a sworn deposition in another lawsuit. This made him only the second U.S. president to be impeached. The first was Andrew Johnson in 1868.

But, why rehash all of this now? Simply because I have to wonder about why anyone, especially the president of the United States, would choose to have someone of Clinton's ilk even visit the White House, much less give him some public exposure. Because, if I, simply sitting here typing about what I recall about Clinton bring this stuff up, what are serious folks and especially political rivals going to do now?

I don't think they're going to sit on their hands and let a huge public relations gaffe go unnoticed, especially today. I think they're going to dredge all this old stuff back up and beat Obama, Bill and Hillary to political death with it. And, if the best you can do, considering the serious problems this country has right now, is to recycle a self-serving, impeached liar, then being driven to political demise is well deserved. And as far as Republcan's are concerned, they got a Christmas present so far beyond their wildest dreams, they'll likely never forget it.

That's it for today folks.


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