Monday, December 27, 2010

BloggeRhythms 12/27/2010

Things get more boring everywhere I look. There isn't even any excitement in the football season's last weeks. While the Jets played down to the last minute again in Chicago, it didn't matter. They backed into the playoffs via a Jacksonville loss. And as far as playoff hopes go, I agree with Coach Rex Ryan who says if they keep playing defense as they are, they don't have a prayer of lasting.

With nothing else going on, it's back to watching the president I guess. And I still don't understand it. Because he's now saying he plans to make no changes in goals or policy, but instead intends to get closer to the people by making more speeches around the country.

And I have to wonder why someone who's supposed to be so bright can simply stand there, watching the country and his administration's efforts fail time and time again, yet still expect to fix things with nothing but hot air.

As of now there are early indications that the economy might take a turn toward the better. Christmas sales were said to be up, except I don't think any "experts" have a clue as to the actual numbers. Because huge portions of business are being conducted via the Internet, Al Gore's invention, and I doubt anyone on Earth can gather the data. My guess is, almost none of it's really reported or measured because no one knows how.

But regardless of why the economy's showing some signs of improvement, there are many who'll say its simply because Republicans have gained the House back. And that may even be true. But true or not, you can bet that they're going to hammer away on all the failed Dem programs, and chances are reverse many of them. That momentum alone will likely add stimulus to consumer spending, job growth and upticks in economic performance. And all of those changes for the positive will have significant impact in the population because they're measurable and real.

That being the case, why would anyone in charge of the whole situation willingly leave town to make speeches that no one but the already brainwashed would ever listen too?

That's it for today folks.


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