The beat goes on in Dullsville. Absolutely nothing going on except for some snow. I guess Mother Nature didn't get the memo about greenhouse effect and global warming.
In the meantime the administration's looking for a director of the National Economic Council, because the current head, Lawrence Summers, is going back to Harvard. And from what I read, there's great concern that the choice might be someone from Wall Street, and what a disaster that would be. Because to theorists and academia, people who get their hands dirty handling money are not to be trusted.
And that leads to me to wonder if these elitist airheads ever think about how their salaries get paid, or who pays their rent. And where does the money for tuition come from, or the funds in the grants and the trusts? It's similar to political idealists who want to redistribute everybody else's wealth by fiat, without ever contributing a red cent themselves.
So, philosophically, the administration's in a box. Because if they don't turn to folks who know how the economy really works, like those on Wall Street or running large commercial organizations, the economic pit's going to deepen. And that would mean that the president, and maybe his whole party would face horrible setbacks, maybe even extinction.
On the other hand, if they really turn things around they'll have to admit that their hare-brained policies don't work, as evidenced by the last four years and getting worse.
So, what will they do? Stick with principle and policy that will turn the whole country into a parking lot, or instead really help their fellow citizens by letting real capitalists bail them out?
That's it for today folks.
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