Monday, December 6, 2010

BloggeRhythms 12/6/2010

Rehashing the weekend news, the only thing seemingly on folks minds is what the outcome will be regarding taxes. As far as that goes, I heard very little that was earthshaking, but someone did mention a very good idea. There really isn't any reason for "lame ducks" to stay in office at all once election day's over, so these people really should be treated the same as folks in the real world.

When someone with a real job, in a real business, is fired, especially in a big, well-managed, professionally run operation, they find that all their personal belongings have been boxed up and all of that stuff is thrown out with them as they're immediately booted out the door. The primary reason that's done is that folks who've been axed tend to do disruptive things if they're allowed to hang around, and no smart businesspeople want to take the chance of having to deal with retribution and ill will.

Our government however, doesn't do anything that has the slightest resemblance to anything in the real world, and therefore the helpless population lives with the results of not only the damage that electees bring down on them, but the horrendous ongoing votes of those who are on their way out the door and no longer have a downside.

Of course, while the immediate termination and lockout of those who've lost their office would be very helpful, we still have to live with those who've been reelected, and in most cases, these folks are amazing. Because, somewhere, somehow, the people populating our country have been lost in the shuffle as far as most politicians go, and I have to really wonder about where these politicos got the idea that the general public not only reports directly to them, but is there to support them financially, regardless.

In that regard, this woman, Claire McCaskill, Democrat senator from Missouri got upset Saturday because the "wealthy" seem to be demanding too much from the government by virtue of tax breaks, and apparently she thinks they have lots of nerve by not wanting to pay more taxes, considering how much she believes they're financially worth. Her attitude seems to fall right in line with Chucky Cheese Schumer who also believes these "rich" folks shouldn't want money back.

So, their attitudes got me to thinking about the whole tax situation and I'm beginning to realize that the premise is not only upside down, it's actually insane. Because no one in government produces a farthing of income, is worthy of what they receive financially and few have ever succeeded in the real world. Consequently, I think the management chart should be turned upside down in DC, and these elected officials put in the slots where they belong which would have them reporting to the public as our forefathers originally intended.

To further establish the point I asked myself a question. If the government disappeared completely, who'd be effected the most financially. For example, if there were no government would owners of small businesses still survive economically? I think it's odds on that they would. If there were no government, would folks employed in the real world find ways to feed and clothes themselves? Here again, yes, most likely they would. So, as you go down the line and examine who produces what, and who's best able to really survive you have to conclude that parasites and thieves need someone or something to prey on, because they're totally incapable of supporting themselves.

And that brings me back to the Senators, McCaskill and Chucky Cheeze. All they really know how to do is suck other's blood dry, as is common among leeches, but add not a dime to anyone's survival due to their own ingenuity or labor. In other words, they're economic parasites who've lucked out by virtue of conning their constituents into casting yea votes.

But, as I've been writing almost every day now, I think the clock's ticking for these folks in office and soon they'll be out in the job force too. And when that happens, who'll be at the head of the line screaming for lower taxes? Why none other than McCaskill and Schumer, of course.

That's it for today folks.


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