Saturday, December 18, 2010

BloggeRhythms 12/18/2010

The "Dream Act" was defeated in Congress today. And this is another situation I simply don't understand.

As I recall from way back in grade school, there's a process for becoming a citizen of the United States. And citizenship can be obtained by those born elsewhere, if they follow the rules for immigration. Yet what the backers of the Dream Act want is to forget about our laws and open pathways to citizenship for those who sneak in.

It would seem to me though, that the conversation ought to stop at the very first word in the act under discussion. And that word is "illegal." So, what is it that the bill's backer's don't understand? Why are they so intent on making life easier for people who have already proven beyond doubt that they have no respect for our laws? By definition, these illegals are felons simply by being here at all.

And what about all those who go through the process, and become citizens the way they should? Isn't there something wrong with making those diligent, dedicated, and honest arrivals look like fools, simply because they played by the rules?

But, when you consider where the bill derived from, the question answers itself. Because it was put together by politicians. And, as we all see more clearly every day, these low life slimes have no interest in our rules, or the laws that make our country run. They only understand ways to cheat, lie and steal. And since they spend most of their time screwing the public from behind closed doors in DC, what do they care about what goes on in border states, even if that's where they're from?

To add another question to the mix, even if there was a rational reason to legalize people who crawl in from wherever the hell they come from, why do it now? At the moment, there aren't enough jobs for folks who were born, bred and raised here and whose families may go back for many generations. So, why would any rational, honest person want to take potential jobs away from them via clotting the market with folks who'll work for next to nothing and push idle citizens out of the market? The answer is, politicians are neither rational nor honest.

In the end though, since the bill didn't pass, for now it really doesn't matter what the objective of it's backers was. And as for the rest of us, it's a good thing. Because, had it been approved, the Dream Act would have become a nightmare for honest American workers.

That's it for today folks.


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