Wednesday, December 1, 2010

BloggeRhythms 12/1/2010

As I look and listen for blogworthy items, sometimes the stuff I come across astounds me, because I can't believe people can actually be as dumb as they appear and still manage to function at all. And my amazement certainly applies in spades to politicians.

As I recall, there was an election in November the results of which clearly stated that the American people are fed up with what comes out of Washington, and especially incumbents, and no matter, they want change. Even the top Republicans who got the benefit of the backlash vote generally understood the message, because they realize it wasn't a vote of confidence in them, it was a revolt against those in power.

So, what do these turkeys do? Right now the critical issue for a vast segment of the population is jobs, taxes, and whatever else can be done to start the economy cooking again. A way to help do that is lowering taxes for everyone and in that way, priming the pump. But Democrats have a problem with that because what's key to them is redistribution of wealth and instituting worthless programs that give government more control.

Thus, in an effort to seem as if they're looking for real solutions they hold a bipartisan summit kind of meeting, to discuss methods for providing tax relief. Then, back behind closed doors they gerry-rig a partial tax relief plan they know Republicans won't want to vote for, simply to make their opposition look like bad guys who are against providing help.

The only difference is, and this is the part that confuses me, this isn't 1939 it's 2010. And every move these morons make is seen, analyzed, understood and recorded. So, maybe they could have pulled off a coup back in the stone ages, through a devious political ploy. But it isn't going to work any more, as the last election demonstrated.

And worse than their attempts to smear their opposition, is the simple truth that it's obvious that they don't care a whit about the condition the country's in, or the plight of it's inhabitants, all these low-lives want is a way to score political points.

Yet, through it all, there really is light at the end of the tunnel that these jokers in office either can't see or don't believe. Because the forty percent undecided voters, with no committed party affiliation, will keep adding to their numbers so long as these political games are played. And, all these incumbents better hope that unemployment benefits are extended, because before they know it, they're going to need them.

That's it for today folks.


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