Monday, January 9, 2017


As a result of the lull occurring while the government transition takes place, a trio of articles illustrate that the Democrat party and its most highly visible constituents have virtually nothing to offer except far-fetched complaints and obstructionism.  

Emily Crane and Chris Spargo wrote, about Meryl Streep very publicly criticizing Trump in front of millions of people around the world in a six-minute speech at the Golden Globe Awards yesterday. 

Streep was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for her “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.” 

Using the forum to go after Trump for mocking disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski in November of 2015 during a campaign rally, Streep said, “That instinct to humiliate, when it's modeled by someone in a public platform, it filters down into everyone's life because it gives permission for others to do the same.  

“Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose.”   

Firing back, Trump called Streep the “most -overrated actress in Hollywood” and “a Hillary flunky who lost big” while denying that he mocked Kovaleski. 

The issue between Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis, and Trump stems from Kovaleski’s shooting down claims that “thousands” were celebrating the terror attacks in New Jersey on 9/11. 

So, here we have another leftist, Streep, using the highest form of celebrity to disparage and defame, rather than seeking ways to accomplish anything whatsoever of a positive nature. Which is further compounded by her chosen profession. 

Whereas Streep is an actress, the first thoughts that occur about her tirade against Trump are wondering's about who selected her topic, wrote her script, chose her wardrobe, directed her actions and paid her quite handsomely for presenting another award-level performance. Because since she’s gone through life to date in the complete absence of original thought, why would she suddenly attain intellectual acuity now?  

Along the same lines, Michael Goodwin wrote about other unprecedented scandalous attempts to smear and undermine the president-elect. 

Only two weeks before inauguration, Mr. Goodwin claims the voter-nullification plot is growing more vile. 

Beginning when the Clinton campaign and her donors tried to overturn results in key states, “they next tried to steal the election outright by intimidating electors of the Electoral College. 

“When all that failed, the establishment forces that opposed Trump all along — the Obama White House, members of both parties, the Democratic media and Big Government activists — switched their goal to thwarting his presidency. One example: They aim to deny confirmation to as many as eight Cabinet picks.” 

This, opines Mr. Goodman, “is not mere politics. This is half the country going rogue in a fit of madness.” 

Then, in confirmation of that opinion, Susan Ferrechio writes, that while Republicans had hoped to confirm many of the nominees on the day Trump is sworn into office, Democrats are plotting to drag out the process, potentially preventing Cabinet members from taking office for weeks. 

Schumer himself plans to target eight Trump picks, “including secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson, health and human services secretary nominee Tom Price and Sessions.”

Schumer said: "Our caucus thinks it's absolutely essential that the U.S. Senate has a chance to appropriately vet these nominees and the American people deserve to hear their views and qualifications in public hearings, especially for the most powerful Cabinet positions," and is also “demanding additional time to ensure FBI checks are completed, financial records are vetted and potential conflicts of interest are explored for each nominee.”

So, here we have incontrovertible evidence of one of the major flaws in leftist thinking. Because whether it’s a leading celebrity or a worn out political hack, the concurrent theme is negativism. 

Neither offer positive thoughts, hopeful outlooks or any iota of encouragement to others. Their entire bent is the focus on tearing the other side down, regardless. 

Yet, another potentially far more damaging fault is their inability to project their thinking forward. Because it seems that neither has considered that not only did Trump attain more votes than any other presidential candidate in history, his party now controls both Congressional houses. 

Thus, what will these two intellectually-shortchanged complainers do if Trump’s positions, platform and promises actually work out in the future? Because, from them, there are no solutions, only objections, complaints and hostility. Which means they not only have to desire Trump's failure, lacking any substance of their own, they'd better start praying for it. 

That's it for today folks. 


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