This morning, Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson faced Senator Marco Rubio in what called a contentious back-and-forth.
Seeking to assuage bipartisan concerns about his ties to Russia, Tillerson testified that he thinks Moscow poses a "danger," blasting the country's annexation of Crimea. However he refused to go so far as to call Vladimir Putin a "war criminal" for Russian military intervention in Syria, despite Rubio’s persistent efforts to get him to do so.
After Rubio remarked: “I find it discouraging your inability to cite that, which I think is globally accepted," Tillerson also wouldn't bite "when Rubio, a former opponent of [Trump] during the Republican presidential primary, tried to get Tillerson to say Putin murdered political foes.”
Nonetheless, Tillerson took a noticeably harder line toward Putin and Russia than Trump has all along, saying: “We must also be clear-eyed about our relationship with Russia. Russia today poses a danger, but it is not unpredictable in advancing its own interests … our NATO allies are right to be alarmed at a resurgent Russia.”
While calling Russia an "unfriendly adversary" during later questioning, he still stopped short of saying the nation was an enemy of the U.S.
What was most interesting is that, once again, readers easily grasped the scope of the situation. Most of them being fully aware of the individuals involved and the coloration and nuances regarding the questioners personal and political objectives. Much of which had northing to do at all with either Tillerson or Trump specifically.
Reader BecBoo wrote: “Mr. Rubio wants Trex to make an uninformed decision and recommendation without a security briefing and many days before he becomes SOS????
“Need we remind him of why he was NOT our candidate??????? DUH!”
nottaliberal took an apologetic stance, writing: “As a republican who voted Rubio in the primary and to return him to the senate I apologize for his lack of vision on this appointment. Usually we appoint someone who has no connections or reputation anywhere outside academia and politicians in the US. For once we have appointed someone who is respected and does business pretty much everywhere.”
Thus, readers illustrated that they not only fully comprehend what’s taking place as skilled business leaders replace pure politicians, they also expect quite positive results for the nation.
Conversely, as far as reader negativity is concerned, it was primarily directed at the Congressional questioners, such as Rubio and those others most-interested in promoting themselves.
One of the few dissensions came from reader bc 1965, who opined: “So After Trump fills the white house with staff of 99% white people consisting of Plutocrats, Billionaires, White Supremacists and Military Hardliners, he plans to spend Trillions of tax payers money to increase the size of the military. He also want other countries to have access to nuclear weapons.
“Not only will he drive this country into a depression, he will start WWIII
“What an awful person to be President.”
And in those three sentences bc 1965 presented enough information for others to discern his political leaning, his lack of knowledge regarding Trump’s national objectives and his virtual unawareness of the nation’s decline in productivity, GNP and defense capabilities.
As far as Trump’s building a staff of Plutocrats, Billionaires, White Supremacists and Military Hardliners, bc1965 has apparently forgotten Elaine Chao, Nikki Haley, Betsy DeVos, Linda McMahon, Kellyanne Conway and Ben Carson none of whom fit the reader’s categorical description.
In all, in this vivid illustration of typical liberal irrationality and shortsighted-mindset, the reader presents a preference for potential failure, rather than strong indications of eventual success.
That’s because in order to gain the trappings of success, one must first earn them. Which is something those “billionaires” have done far better than the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants. Thus, if they can bring that level of capability to their new government posts, it’s a win/win for all involved, particularly the U.S. and its people.
So, before posting another comment in a situation like this one, it might be advisable for readers like bc1965 to do some preparatory homework. And a modicum of general education might help, as well.
Then a Facebook friend posted this one:
That's it for today folks.
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