Thursday, January 5, 2017


Only two weeks remain until the nation moves in a new, upward, direction. Provided that the president-elect can deliver on promises made while campaigning. 

In that regard, a new Rasmussen poll today, indicates that although expectations differ between likely voters in the major party’s, even Democrats wish to see Trump be successful.   

According to a Rasmussen national telephone and online survey, “39% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump’s presidency is more likely to be a success. Thirty percent (30%) say it’s more likely to be a failure instead, while 26% believe the Trump presidency will fall somewhere in between the two.” 

Party-wise, 67% of Republicans think Trump is likely to succeed, as opposed to 17% of Democrats and 35% of voters not affiliated with either major party who believe the opposite.

Most importantly, however, 57% of Democrats want Trump’s presidency to be a success, while only 26% wish him failure. 

Thus, in all categories polled, the majority of likely voters are hopeful of Trump’s success in office.

Applying the poll results as a basis, other news today shows that Albert Einstein was indeed correct when he defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

David Martosko, US Political Editor and Geoff Earle, Deputy US Political Editor for report about Obamacare “wars” as Republicans plan “an immediate attack on the law thorough executive actions and an early legislative push.”

However, what’s truly amazing about the situation is that Obama “went to the Capitol to meet with Congressional Democrats to plot strategy in an effort to prevent his achievement from getting dismantled – a victory Democrats won only at great cost, including the loss of their congressional majorities.” 

Telling Democrats not to “rescue” Republicans by joining their effort to passing replacement measures, Obama "pointed to the post-Obamacare Tea Party revolution, and even urged his party to try to brand Republican-backed changes as 'Trumpcare' as a rhetorical way to saddle the opposition party with responsibility for what ensues, CNN reported.”

So, here we have an outgoing POTUS whose party has now lost the presidency and congressional majority’s. Primarily because of voter dissatisfaction with unpopular legislation, and the health care tax in particular. Yet, he still wants to not only pursue a rapidly failing program, he wants to create a way to blame Republicans for his mistakes.      

All of which illustrates the shortsightedness of continually employing political objectives, despite real-world confirmations of the program’s failure and unpopularity. 

In response, Trump lashed out at congressional Democrats yesterday “including 'head clown' Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader – saying they should work with Republicans to find a workable replacement for the Obamacare medical insurance overhaul plan.” Writing further: “Instead of working to fix it, they do the typical political thing and BLAME. The fact is ObamaCare was a lie from the beginning."Keep you [sic] doctor, keep your plan!" It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a healthcare plan that really works - much less expensive & FAR BETTER!” 

While the POTUS grasped at likely unobtainable straws in his pleas to Congressional Democrats regarding his health care tax, a foreign leader expressed concerns over Trump’s dedication to rebuilding the American economy.  

Peter Orsi reports “Trump leaves Mexico without 3,600 jobs," read the headline on El Universal. "Ford's braking jolts the peso," said Reforma, referring to the Mexican currency's nearly 1 percent slump following the news.”

What was most interesting about this one is that the Mexico Economy Department said: “The jobs created in Mexico have contributed to maintaining manufacturing jobs in the United States which otherwise would have disappeared in the face of Asian competition." 

However, that amounts to sheer doubletalk ,whereas whether American jobs ultimately wound up in Asia or Mexico, none of them remained in the U.S. whenever possible due to prohibitive tax law. 

And now that U.S. manufacturers anticipate reduced taxation, Mexico faces considerably more American job repatriation which leads right into a fitting summation found in an article about Julian Assange of Wikileaks fame. 

Interviewed Wednesday night on "Hannity," Assange said “the Democratic Party has a chance to "go through a reformation" after Clinton's defeat at the hands of Republican Donald Trump.” 

However, "It can only go through that reformation if it looks at the genuine reasons for the loss," Assange said. "The genuine reason, to my mind, for the loss, is [that] they didn’t pick the strongest candidate ... That didn’t happen. Why didn’t it happen? Because the DNC … no longer represented the genuine interests of the Democratic party. 

"So, my message to the U.S. Democratic Party is ... Take the information that we have published, which shows who the different players are and how they work within the DNC, learn from it and reform." 

Therefore, what comes through loud and clear today is that irrefutable mounting evidence shows that the Democrat party is its own greatest enemy. And what’s worse for them is that they almost assuredly know it. Yet they continue to pursue illogical, unmanageable, unpopular goals and ideals attractive only to a shrinking number of stalwart constituents. 

Bringing us right back to the obviously valid Einstein premise regarding insanity. 

That’s it for today folks. 


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