Sunday, May 8, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/8/2011

As more and more information surfaces about how poorly UBL did in his first meeting with our Navy SEAL's, the more I realize how extremely lucky we were to have found him at all. Because right from the get-go, this administration has done everything possible to weaken our ability against foreign terrorism, and has taken great strides toward tying our CIA's hands.

And the most puzzling question I have in this whole scenario, is that while the administration's bending over backwards to make sure we play by some moronic rules and trying to figure out what's warfare and not, who's playing referee on the other side? I don't seem to remember hearing our enemies second-guessing UBL when he decided to have planes flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, or other targets fortunately un-hit due to the heroes over Shanksville, PA who took over that aircraft.

Among the 2,752 victims who died in the attacks on Trade Center were 343 firefighters and 60 police officers from New York City and the Port Authority. Another 184 people were killed in the attack on the Pentagon. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries and none were directly in battle with UBL. That spineless weasel took them out because he knew they couldn't fight back.

So, how many citizens do we have to lose, and exactly how vulnerable do we have to become, before our anti-American Attorney General either gets his head out of his butt, or admits his heart's on our enemies side? Fortunately for us, despite UBL's icing, this administration's over in eighteen months. But, til' that happens, how much weaker can we become?

And in the meantime, when we've just had one of the greatest victory's in the war on terror, and proven that UBL according to his own data was planning further death and destruction within the U.S., what does the city of San Francisco do? Why it decides to release illegal aliens after minor arrests to prevent deportation, saying it helps build goodwill and trust with them. So, in truth what does this leniency really do? Why it makes Frisco the Mecca for terrorists to flock too, because that kind of safe haven in their enemies midst is simply too good to be true.

Now naturally, if all the terrorists really did decide to hide nearby the Golden Gate, that might turn out to be quite advantageous to us, because we'd have so many of them in one place, making them far easier to capture or simply eradicate. But then Eric Holder would arrest and shoot all the good guys, for turning San Francisco's offer of safe-harbor into a false advertising claim.

That's it for today folks.


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