The continuing big news item is the president's informing Israel's prime minister on national TV how he expects a land deal to be negotiated with the Palestinians that starts with Israeli acceptance of the 1967 borders between the nations. This has long been known as unacceptable to Israel, and a major departure from a U.S. position in place for years and honored by all presidents involved in the past.
Since the verbal bombshell was dropped on the Israeli's Friday, the president's been scrambling to reiterate his words and attempting to clarify that the bond between the U.S. and Israel is the same as ever, and he says he only meant that the 1967 borders were a place to start discussions.
However, this is another situation that's a carbon copy of everything this administration does. First, the president makes a speech or public comment about a law or amendment designed to appease his far left base, and then proceeds to gloss over what he's done with words or cover ups after the fact.
So, in keeping with what I wrote yesterday, I can only come to one conclusion. No matter what the president does or says to cover up his actions, he definitely did what he did and said what he said and there can be no doubt about his original intentions. Thus that leaves it to everyone else involved to decide how they wish to move forward. And it should be clear to anyone in Israel that they presently have no friend in the White House.
In that regard, I heard it put best by a former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. during the Bush administration, whose name I don't remember. But, what he said was that there is no doubt among Israeli's that their relationship with the U.S. is currently stronger than it's ever been, and that they are the only friend that the U.S. has in the entire Middle-East. However, that relationship is between the people of those two nations, and for the moment doesn't include the current U.S. administration but that will be corrected in the future.
And that brings me to several other subjects along the same lines.
At the moment, American businesses are turning the corner and many major corporations are sitting on billions in cash. However, they won't invest it or turn on the hiring lamp because they fear the unknown of unclear tax policies and fiscal irresponsibility of the current administration.
Hospitals, doctors, and insurers involved in health care are all quite confused as to how to proceed fiscally, because they don't know if new health care laws will remain in effect or be overturned. While all that confusion transpires, health care quality and provision suffers, however experts in the field believe all this will straighten out once an administration's in place that is stable and clearly defines the law.
Education has gone down the chute almost completely in the U.S. primarily due to deterioration of the system caused by union's protecting incompetent tenured dregs who call themselves teachers. However, particular states are doing quite well education-wise because they've individually blown the unions out. Nonetheless, the current administration supports the unions, which means there's little chance for real national improvement until new lawmakers at the top fix the problem down the road.
Aside from these issues, there's the continuing weakening of the nation financially, and a lessening of its international stature due to its unbridled debt. And its most likely that the capital drain and wasteful spending won't be stemmed until a new administration steps up and reverses the trend.
So, when you look at the preceding list of problems I guess its pretty obvious who the common denominator is and who's at the root of the biggest problems. In fact, I think logic dictates that most voters in the U.S. will step up and be pleased to do their part in the next election to boot the current administration out.
But then, I look at who the Republicans have in contention right now for the oval office and I don't think there's one in the bunch who has a clue about running this country. So the chances are, as horrendous as the current administration is, it will likely stay in place.
That's it for today folks.
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