Sunday, May 15, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/15/2011

I think you have to wonder exactly how stupid Newt Gingrich thinks American voters really are. Because, apparently, the other day he said something along the lines of not judging him by his past, but rather who he is now. So, I guess he wants us to think he's a very rare breed of leopard that actually can change its spots. As for me, I don't care very much as to whether he's changed his spots or not, I'd rather vote for someone who was never a colossal bozo to begin with.

But in the meantime, it's come out that by putting himself in the limelight several unpaid tax liens have surfaced which it seems he never satisfied. Although he says he'll fix the issue immediately.

And that got me to thinking that most often when there are problems, you're usually best off having them handled by experts regarding the particular issue. And right now, the biggest problem facing the country after unemployment, is its unpaid debt. So, perhaps we should avail ourselves of genuine expertise. It sounds like a perfect solution.

A ticket of Gingrich and Trump, it doesn't matter which one's on top, likely has more practice in dealing with unpaid bills than all the other candidates combined. And since neither cares a whit about honoring financial obligations, if those two got elected none of the national debt would be repaid and the country could go right on spending without an iota of thought or remorse.

But then, if they really did perform true to form, who'd be left holding the bag like always and never get a nickel back on their bonds? Why the taxpayers that elected them of course.

That's it for today folks.


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