Monday, May 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/2/2011

What an extended weekend for marathon TV viewing. First a replay of the Royal Wedding for almost six hours and then the incredible news that Usama bin Laden had finally met his demise. That kept me up all of last night.

I'm sure everyone's seen the same footage I have, it's being shown everywhere. So, I'm not going to repeat it here. But, there was some stuff that really intrigued me, especially how various factions try to slant what's happened to avail themselves.

First and foremost, huge credit has to go to George W. Bush. I remember clearly right after 9/11, his vow that however long it took, UBL would be found and brought to justice. And, though not on his watch, his promise finally came true,

But what I also remember is that all of this could have been avoided twenty or so years ago, when Bubba Clinton, who could have captured UBL easily then, evaded the responsibility by double-talking about some irrelevant international law. The fact was Willy hated the military, dodged the draft himself and wimped and weaseled his way out of responsibility for everything but chasing skirts like he always does.

Then there was the president himself who vowed to close Guantanamo Bay and shuffle the detainees somewhere else, ideally some other nation. That never worked out, so he had to scramble to appease his base, who deem distasteful things like gathering intelligence repulsive, yet it was info gathered at Gitmo that ultimately brought UBL down.

The event also highlighted the fact that our country has to defend itself worldwide, as it always has, because with the exception of Britain and Israel, there are no reliable allies. That's why our footprints and troops in the Middle-East are critical to our welfare. So, being in Iraq ourselves can do nothing but help, because it's closer to the problem. And our presence in Afghanistan is another plus.

So, all this talk about bringing all our forces home may sound good to some who have no clue of the dangers, but unfortunately those troops are invaluable where they are now. Because if we have to rely on so-called allies like Pakistan, who lied to us while harboring the likes of UBL, we're in very serious peril. They've played both sides against the middle so long, they have no clue as to who's side they're really on.

And lastly, there's the military itself, and how about those Navy SEALS. 40 guys in four helicopters slipped into a huge compound located amidst an enemy encampment and in less than forty minutes turned UBL to toast. Then they buried him at sea (or more likely, simply tossed him out) then came back to base unharmed themselves. Unbelievable! Wait'll they make the movie.

But this is another case where the administration worked in direct opposition of their core, who would never condone anything even resembling acts of war. After all, the world's supposed to be touchy-feely where everyone's making nice, even though that Shangri la doesn't exist. So in summary, while all these elitist nimwits sit around and try to deal with the truths, and sort out feelings from fact, if nothing else happened on Sunday, perhaps the president finally grew up.

That's it for today folks.


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