Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/18/2011

Saw some recent statistics on health care this morning that say average costs are up across the country, however Massachusetts the first state to introduce a plan of its own under Romney, is significantly higher by far than any other.

According to analysts and experts, the reason for the increase is that insurers are raising their rates at present in order to be in compliance when the universal plan actually kicks in a couple of years from now. But, regardless of the reasons given, much of the rising cost is due to lack of competition which allows insurers to charge almost anything they want. So, once again taxpayers are stuck paying the high cost of bureaucratic fantasy, while politicos chase themselves in circles trying to duck the blame for their incompetence and outright disregard for the public good.

In the meantime, one clown decided not to run for the presidency this week on the Republican ticket, saying he was having too much fun in business and on TV to want to live in the White House. And he was immediately replaced in the spotlight by Newt Gingrich. Then, within what seemed like only minutes stories poured out about how this Ginrich guy doesn't pay his campaign bills, runs up all kinds of unpaid charges at Tiffany's, and makes speeches about proposed legislation that don't agree with the facts.

So, what is with these people, and why do they choose to run when they haven't a prayer of being elected? Is it because of all the the free publicity, or some kind of need to look like a fool nationwide? I simply don't get it.

And then, the depths of the Republican's lacking of a solid candidate was underscored for me by some commentator who said that whoever runs on their ticket will have to get Sandra Palin's endorsement to win, because of the impact of her party importance. When her name was mentioned, I realized I'd forgotten her completely. I thought she'd gone back to Alaska to do whatever it is they do out there. But, evidently, she didn't and is still around.

Nonetheless, if I were running for office, I'm not sure I'd want her endorsement or even McCain's. I'd much prefer to be recommended by a winner.

That's it for today folks.


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