Thursday, May 19, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/19/2011

In the president's daily speech today (sure seems like he's talking somewhere every time I turn on my set) he said Israel must pull back to the 1969 borders that existed before the "Six-Day War." Naturally, this break with longstanding U.S. policy immediately aggravated the Israelis. They want the borders of any future Palestinian state determined through negotiations.

But what I thought the most interesting was that it seems the president thinks that because we give that country about five or six billion a year, we can tell them how to set the borders they feel critically important to protecting themselves. And I guess, since we give them so much money, he's likely right.

But, at the same time, taxpayers here have watched this same president burn up over fourteen billion of their hard-earned dollars, while doing nothing to protect the borders of the United States. There are more illegal aliens, weapons, diseases and drugs crossing into this country every day than anyone can ever imagine or count.

So, if the president thinks six billion dollars is enough to justify his setting the rules for how Israel must define its borders, and therefore how they protect themselves, how much say are American taxpayers entitled to when trying to protect themselves? Because so far, the answer from Washington is: Nada.

That's it for today folks.


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