Thursday, May 12, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/12/2010

A couple of days I mentioned some politician or other going one better than simply double-talking, this one was triple-speaking at least. And now we have Mitt Romney making a speech about his working to pass universal health care coverage in Massachusetts when he was governor there, but saying it doesn't matter what he did then. Just exactly how stupid does he think voters really are?

And then we have Newt Gingrich announcing his candidacy for a change. So, what is is it with these people, why don't they just pack up, go away and leave us alone. Neither of them is electable, so why waste all that money campaigning?

I think there's little doubt that the glow from nailing Bin Laden will fade soon enough, and that will leave the president with nothing to protect him from his proven track record which is truly horrendous. So, it should be easy for almost any Republican to win the White House. But if that party keeps recycling their trash on their tickets, as I've said before in this blog, O'bama's a shoo-in for sure.

That's it for today folks.


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