Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Two completely different items in the news lead to the very same conclusion. Indications that the Democrat party not only realizes the probability of massive congressional losses next November, but may be preparing to throw Biden under the bus.

Jack Gournell  writes “The San Francisco Federal Reserve on Monday issued a study suggesting that government spending bills passed during the Biden administration are contributing to current inflation.

"Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic's economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021," economists Òscar Jordà, Celeste Liu, Fernanda Nechio, and Fabián Rivera-Reyes from the study concluded.

“The economists go on to note that while inflation is high in much of the world, for the United States, consumer prices have increased more than in similar countries. The authors contribute both the Rescue Plan and the CARES Act to inflation.”

While awareness of the administration’s causation of rampant inflation is nothing new, acknowledgement of that responsibility has not come from any agency that close to the POTUS. The federal reserve is an agency of the federal government and reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress. Considering Democrat congressional control, until now items like these have generally been suppressed.

In item two, Charles Creitz writes @ “In October 1992, radio titan Rush Limbaugh engaged in an exercise in "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" when he began a segment by – temporarily – declaring he'd endorsed Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton for president against President George H.W. Bush:

"Ladies and gentlemen, here at 12 minutes after the hour on the 22nd of October, am here to tell you that I have decided to endorse the candidacy of Bill Clinton for president."

Responding to a caller, Rush said: “It was 23 minutes ago. You keep talking about something that happened 23 minutes ago. It's irrelevant…," Limbaugh later told a caller. He ultimately explained he was simply imitating the Democratic candidate:

"Governor Clinton has been doing for 20 years what I did on my show today -- saying things then denying them," the conservative radio giant said at the time. Limbaugh commented during a 2013 throwback to the skit that Clinton was repeatedly "lying through his teeth" on several issues and denying allegations of an extramarital affair by former Arkansas state employee Gennifer Flowers.

Getting the substance of his point, Creitz  goes on: ”On Tuesday's "Hugh Hewitt Show", host Hugh Hewitt drew parallels between Limbaugh's exercise illustrating Clinton's behavior, and current President Biden's repeated off-script comments about Russian leader Vladimir Putin remaining in power or whether U.S. troops could be dispatched to Ukraine.

"Thirty years ago, Rush did that bit… and yesterday [it was] Joe Biden," Hewitt said. "Life imitates art – that was Rush being the … artist and Joe Biden imitating it."

"Rush was doing a schtick… this is not schtick, this is the President of the United States – in a time when the CCP led by Xi Jinping is attempting to take over the world, and when Russia is raping Ukraine," Hewitt said.

While Hewitt is a conservative talk show host, the points he raises aren’t truly political. Instead they are much more a question of Biden’s mental fitness for office. With indications continually increasing of potential intellectual slippage, White House personnel have had to more frequently retract, interpret or otherwise explain Biden’s verbiage.

As those needs for correction increase, along with more open discussion of gaffes the possibility grows that whoever’s in control of Biden’s public interactions has decided that, since the midterm elections are a loss anyway, now’s the time to let him sink. But then one has to wonder, as bad as Biden is, do they truly want Kamala Harris at the helm?

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid in congress broke a mirror getting her seven years bad luck. But a lawyer in her bar told he'd get her five.

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