Friday, March 18, 2022


Back in the Obama White House, Valerie Jarrett served as a senior advisor to the president and assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs from 2009 to 2017. Many thought the relationship was close, with Obama routinely relying on her judgement .

According to Wikipedia: ”Jarrett's role as both a friend of the Obamas and as senior advisor in the White House was controversial: in his memoirs Robert M. Gates, former secretary of defense, discussed his objection to her involvement in foreign security affairs. David Axelrod reported in his memoirs about Rahm Emanuel's attempts to have her selected as Obama's replacement in the senate, due to concerns about the difficulty in working with a family friend in a major policy role.

She’s mentioned today because of an interview in which she stated that one of the reasons she enjoyed working with Obama was that he was the “most intelligent person she’d ever met.”

According to the Alpha High IQ Society, “He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a bachelor's degree in international relations and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama entered politics when he was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996. Barack Obama's IQ estimated at 140 IQ."

Regarding IQ ranges themselves, three gradients are recognized within the gifted range: Gifted, from 130-145 IQ. Highly gifted ranges 140-160 IQ; and exceptionally gifted above 160 IQ.

It’s recalled that at the time of Jarett’s comment, a posting here said that rather than establishing Obama as some sort of genius, it seemed instead that Jarrett hadn’t met an awful lot of intelligent people.

And now, today, there’s a similar circumstance regarding perspective relative to individuals preferences. Much like Jarrett opined about the magnitude of Obama’s intelligence, the Bronx bartender in Congress, Warren, a handful of other Congresspeople, along with the hard left issue demands as if in total control of Congress.

The so-called “Squad,” presses for “emergency” climate legislation where everything else need be dropped to immediately handle pending doom. In an instance such as this, one has to wonder if these zealots truly believe an emergency exists or are simply extending a scam. Either way, however, consideration of reality would be helpful to their case.

The last presidential election was a Democrat win for several significant reasons. The primary factor was a combination of a backlash against rampant Covid, beyond Trump’s control along with an avowed promise by Biden to immediately cure the outbreak. Disastrously for Trump, Covid’s effects brought the otherwise most successful economy in the nation’s history to a screeching halt. Similarly, all other aspects of issues normally considered key to electorates lost presence during the campaign.

While the presence of the “hard-left” bore some weight in electoral tallies, there was by no means a swing among the electorate to see these zealots and their ideology replace democracy. In effect, they happened to be in the right place at the right time, electorally speaking.

As stated previously these looney-tunes comprise roughly 8% of the electorate, Covid is coming under control and Biden has failed legislatively across the board. So just like Valerie Jarrett needs to get out and mingle some more, to meet some truly intellectual types versus Obama, these lefties need to understand that 89% of those who vote aren’t going to panic because they claim it’s going to be warm tomorrow.

That’s it for today folks.


PS:  The Bronx barmaid in Congress went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any. 

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