Thursday, March 24, 2022


Jeffrey Rodack’s article this morning addresses very serious subject matter. But, in actuality, it’s pretty amusing.

Rodack writes that, “The White House is signaling former President Donald Trump will not be a key part of its talking points when dealing with Russia’s war against Ukraine, The Hill is reporting.

“The news outlet said Trump’s history with Russian President Vladimir Putin has sometimes put Republicans in an awkward position. In addition, Ukraine played a key role in Trump’s first impeachment after his administration was said to have held up security assistance to Ukraine, The Hill said.”

And then the article gets to the funny part, whereas Rodack writes: “But, with few exceptions, President Joe Biden has largely avoided attacking Trump since taking office.” Which is so strikingly presumptuous it’s laughable. The only reason Biden isn’t attacking Trump is because on record he can’t without destroying himself.

A place to start is Inflation where the latest government data on inflation indicate consumer prices jumped 7.5% over last 12 months, the fastest pace in 40 years. Now American families are spending $275 per month more on average on everything from groceries to gas. The gasoline average gallon price alone in 2020 was $2.329, today it’s $4.236, almost double. Thank you, Joe Biden

Then there’s the border where U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures now show that more than 2 million unauthorized migrants came across the Mexican border in the calendar year and were apprehended or turned themselves in – in addition to those not stopped or detected. Thank you, Joe Biden

Another subject is public safety where years of Democratic rule ruined some of the nation’s finest cities, but Biden offered them his full support anyway. As reported by , “Of the dozen cities that have already surpassed the grim milestones for killings, five topped records that were set or tied just last year.” While crime rates have increased in Democrat strongholds, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, St. Paul, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Tucson, Arizona; Toledo, Ohio; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Austin, Texas; Rochester, New York; and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thank you, Joe Biden

Next comes Ukraine where as tragic as events are, if the U.S. continued to maintain its position as leading producer of oil, dependency on Russia would matter little if at all, other than for humanitarian reasons. But here once more, Biden has put the nation in an untenable position whereas sanctions on Russia cannot be strongly enforced. Thank you, Joe Biden

Bringing us to the climate-change farce, best described back in 2019 by Rush as “nothing but a bunch of computer models that attempt to tell us what's going to happen in 50 years or 30," Limbaugh said on Fox News Sunday. "Notice the predictions are never for next year or the next ten years. They're always for way, way, way, way out there, when none of us are going to be around or alive to know whether or not they were true." Thank you, Joe Biden

Rodack’s article closes with something funnier still, as he writes: “Still, some Democrats say the White House needs to step up its attacks on Republicans as the midterms near.

“This isn’t the time to take a passive approach,” said one unnamed Democrat strategist. “Every day, they need to be out there reminding people what we stand for and what Republicans stand for.”

Considering Democrat positions on many of the serious issues facing the nation, their ability to grasp and analyze intelligently often comes under suspicion. But this one has to qualify for some incredibly high level of stupidity, unless perhaps the Democrat strategist is truly a Republican in disguise.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid Congresswoman started her own social welfare program and is giving customers two olives in their drinks. 

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