Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Much like Monday’s Climate-Change revelation, another mental bulb’s gone off. Several more large pieces falling into place. Most important, Biden will definitely turn the U.S. oil spigots back on, the question is: When?

There’s nothing far out, irrational or even odd about the prediction. The conclusion derives from simple logic (and arithmetic.)

To begin, Biden will do anything for money, maybe power too. Though if he had money and no power, he’d probably find that acceptable. If he had power and no money, odds are he’d not be a happy camper. Be that as it may, the money part is certain and If he loses the presidency, he’ll no doubt lose both.

Since the only way Biden can keep the presidency is getting votes across the board, he needs all the Democrats, vast majority of Independents and maybe, even some Republicans too. With inflation at 10% or more, he’ll get nowhere near what he needs of those. And what’s the root cause of the current inflationary spiral in the nation? Oil prices.

Right now, voters across America are paying the highest gasoline price in the nation’s history. Every time they stop and fill up, is another reminder of what Biden and the Greens are costing them for no rational reason other than a party platform based on an unprovable premise as to what climate conditions will be 100 years from now.

Climate issues helped last time around, the Greens providing needed votes. But now Biden’s got the job and needs to worry about keeping it. Since it’s highly likely, if not absolute, Biden doesn’t truly care a whit about the climate, under today’s conditions the Greens are expendable. That brings us back to arithmetic.

Democrats make up 39.58% of the electorate. Republicans comprise another 29.48%, while Independents count for 28.39%. Within the Democrat sector, only 8.38% consider themselves “Far Left.”  Which means that 89.07% of total voters are not Greens.

The sheer numbers alone disclose that due to deals made to get votes, less than 9% of voters, The Greens, leveraged themselves into positions of power. To the extent that the nation is now victim to others for critical oil supplies. At the same time, the U.S. sits on the largest resource of the cleanest, purest crude in the world, but can’t produce it effectively due to politics and regulation. And, unfortunately for Biden, the other 89% of voters now know this.

So, Biden now has a choice that’s plain and simple. Maintain his steadfast position that the climate is the most critical issue facing the nation, satisfying 9% of voters. Or, allow oil producers to return to full operation, pleasing the other 89%. What do you think he’ll do?

What’s more he has a ready made excuse, whereas he can unquestionably call the policy reversal a “national emergency” to avoid dependency on other nations while breaking the back of presently uncontrollable inflation. And if he did that, as sad as it seems, that would go a very long way toward his reelection.

So, since Biden certainly knows all this, the question isn’t will he reverse course, but when. The closer to election day the better for him, provided he doesn’t wait too long to lose his advantage.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Yesterday some guy walked into the Bronx Congresswoman’s bar. Apparently, it wasn’t set high enough.

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