Monday, March 14, 2022


It doesn’t usually take this long, several years in fact, to recognize a scam. This one popped into place only this morning.

It’s been obvious for quite some time that there is no global warming, and certainly no material or unnatural climate change. That’s the beauty of the scheme. Climate-change doesn’t even exist, yet politicians have been ripping the public off for more than 30 years with taxes, licenses, penalties, fines, fees and whatever else. AlGore alone’s been suspected as a fraud ever since he wrote Earth in the Balance in 1992. He most certainly promoted climate fears to sell carbon swaps and whatever else for the money.

The new “climate czar,” John Kerry, has never done  anything in his life that wasn’t self-promoting, self-enriching or in some way personally beneficial. In fact it’s rather insulting for him to think one dumb enough to believe climate fears without proof. Particularly as he travels worldwide in his private jet. But, then again, he does have to  get there quickly, before the climate changes.  

The following appeared on, November 24, 2020. published at in the Boston Herald:

 So now he’s got this phoney-baloney made-up job — climate czar. How do we know it’s make-believe? Because they also sort of put Kerry on the National Security Council, to give his role at least a slight patina of gravitas.

“Back in the day, when Mama T [Teresa Heinz Kerry] was still making public appearances, Kerry had his own personal private jet, the Flying Squirrel.

“Actually, the Flying Squirrel was owned, more precisely, by his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund, in much the same way that he claimed not to own those five SUVs at each of his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund’s mansions.

“Remember the winter of 2014? He was the secretary of state, privately jetting from one very important conference on global warming to another, warning of the “existential” threats that were posed to the planet.”

Kerry, though, isn’t the only one in the climate-change movement that’s hypocritical. It’s doubtful anyone, even a hard-leftist, really thinks the climates’ going to change dramatically anytime soon, certainly not in their lifetimes. The truth, nonetheless, is quite a  different story.

Today, everyone in the Greens understands the con, unless they’re denser than a brick, quite possible for some. And as scams go, it’s literally perfect. Here’s a hustle that cannot be proven one way or the other. Do you know what the climate will be like in the U.S. in ten years? Does anyone know for sure? How about 20 years? 30, 50, 100? What about next week’s temperatures, or even tomorrow for sure. 

But these Greens say they not only know, it’s certain. Their computer models told them that, and computers don’t lie. They’re so certain, President Joe Biden's 2022 budget proposal calls for more than $36 billion to fight global climate change, an increase of more than $14 billion. Do you know where that $36 billion will be spent in the climate-change fight? It’s a given that Biden doesn’t know. He’s lucky if he can find his shoes. Does Kamala Harris know where the billions will be spent? Gimme a break!

And there again, that’s the beauty of the scam, they don’t have to know because who’s going to prove them wrong about something that’s not going to happen for another 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60, 70, 80, 90,100 years? But right now, today, all they have to do is whisper the initials, “C.C.”  across a microphone and the far left will zap out in a stone cold coma. Their hearts can’t take it.

Surely, the value of a major league hustle like this one is obvious on its own. Yet, the outside help received is enormous. Full-time support comes from a mainstream media that doesn’t qualify anything helpful to the left. Then come the Hollywood types who have so little personal substance they lead others’ lives for a career, but want to be publicly known as concerned about “our” planet. And of course, believers populate a host of major groups traditionally known for being broke, willing to trade their support for a few bucks anywhere they can get them, so long as they don’t have to work. It’s not coming out of their pockets, after all, and they don’t own private vehicles, eighteen wheelers, private aircraft or yachts.

Bringing us to the biggest benefit of all. By leading off every sentence with another warning about Climate-Change, the president, Greens and most others on the left don’t have to be concerned about not having a platform. When it comes to other serious issues concerning the nation, with them it’s nada, none, zip, zilch, zero, nothing, “I’ll pass on that one,” “There ain’t any,” kind of stuff. There are no worries about Ukraine, inflation, the border, crime, taxes, the budget or real infrastructure because they never talk about those issues. You ask about border insecurity, their answer is “How can you ask about the border under these kinds of climate conditions? If we don’t start putting up windmills right now, forty-five years from now there won’t be any glaciers for your  great, great, great grandchildren to play on when they visit the arctic.” Or “Can you imagine a world without snowball fights?”

So it appears there are two ways to look at the issue; good news and bad news. Good news that the planet is safe. Warming’s a fraud. Our marshmallows won’t toast on their own. But the bad news is a disaster. Whereas warming’s a fraud and can never be proven; always out there in the future somewhere, it can never be fixed either. That gives the Greens an issue literally from here to eternity. Scams can’t get any better than that.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Someone glued the bartending Congresswoman’s pack of cards together—she doesn’t  know how to deal with it. 

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