Saturday, March 12, 2022


Wasn’t planning posting today, but just saw Biden delivering very good news in a clip on Fox News. At a podium somewhere, he wanted to make very, very clear to a few in the press corps that the Keystone pipeline will stay canceled, no ifs, ands, or buts. To further his rationale, he stated the pipeline was “two years” from construction anyhow, therefore he thinks cancellation makes no difference certainly now, and probably ever.

Alaska Senator, Dan Sullivan, was interviewed next, separately. His story was completely different and far more similar to most others in any kind of business, owning a home or driving a vehicle. Rising oil prices affect such a wide range of costs, particularly involving home heating, industrial purposes, air travel, business transport, public transportation, vehicles of all types and on and on.

A side effect of those high prices is that the discretionary spending of consumers drops. They spend a relatively larger portion of their income on gasoline. They’ll also tend to drive less—places like the mall or shopping centers.

All of this means is, that except for Biden himself who made a deal with the Greens to get their votes, and the Greens themselves, a relatively small number, the Biden position on fossil fuels is not very popular. In fact, for those in lower income brackets the position is flat out despised.

So, what is the “good news"? The good news is that with Biden’s anti-fossil ideology, spurring inflation presently to between 7 ½ and 10%, he and his Greens haven’t a chance at reelection. Democrats in general will likely face significant losses in the Congressional elections this year, with a very good chance the Greens themselves will be voted into minimalization or maybe oblivion altogether.

Which means that Biden is actually as dumb as he looks.

That’s it for today folks.


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