Thursday, March 31, 2022


Jesse Watters show on Fox last night addressed particular segments of the population and their national influence compared to their actual size. What came through loud and clear is how powerful and misleading the mainstream media is. Unable to record statistics presented by Watters, information gathered this morning is reflected below.

Item one is actually beyond shocking, whereas according to Jeffrey M. Jones @/ back on 07/16/2021: “Gallup's latest update on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identification finds 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as LGBT. The current estimate is up from 4.5% in Gallup's previous update based on 2017 data.”

From the amount of attention these individuals get, throughout school systems, news items, certainly the media and everywhere else, one would think they’re a significant part of the population. But in reality they’re a drop in the bucket, little more than a rounding error in a mathematical chart. As it turns out, every nine and a half people out of ten are normal.

Similarly, according to, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds that: “One-third of voters identify as ‘woke.’”

“Thirty-two percent of registered voters in the July 8-9 survey said they see themselves as woke to the extent that they understand the term.

“Twenty-three percent of respondents said they do not identify as woke while 13 percent said they are unsure.

“Thirty-one percent of voters said they don’t know what the term “woke” means.

“Woke” generally refers to someone who is aware of social issues such as racial prejudice and discrimination. It has increasingly become a divisive word in political circles, with conservatives belittling “woke” progressives.

“Thirty-eight percent of voters said being woke is a good thing while 21 percent said it is a bad thing, specifically.

“Roughly 60 percent of Democrats said being woke is a good thing while 5 percent said it’s a bad thing and 37 percent said it’s neither.

“Twenty-percent of Republican respondents said it is a good thing while 39 percent said being woke is a bad thing and 41 percent said it’s neither.“Thirty-six percent of independents said being woke is a good thing while 19 percent said it’s a bad thing. Forty-six percent said it is neither.”

So, here again, while "woke" simply identifies an awareness of social issues related to race, it’s Democrats who choose to promote it disproportionately to the  rest of the voting public. Primarily through the partnering media “wokeness” is apparently far overblown compared to what national statistics actually indicate.

One more area researched out of curiosity considering the attention received in the press was the Black Lives Matter movement. Here an article was found from Nov. 16, 2021 by A new poll found a decline in support among Americans for the Black Lives Matter movement, a year and a half after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and other high-profile deaths of Black people in encounters with police sparked a global outcry.

“According to a national poll conducted by Civiqs, a nonpartisan online survey firm affiliated with the progressive media group Daily Kos, 44 percent of respondents, overall, said they support the Black Lives Matter movement. Another 43 said they oppose it, while 11 percent said they neither support nor oppose it. The survey has tracked respondents’ viewpoints at multiple moments from April 2017 to this month. Civiqs did not provide a margin of error.

The poll results indicate, support for the Black Lives Matter movement peaked in June 2020 at 52 percent, a month after Floyd was killed.”Thus, once more the emphasis received from the left as well as the media as usual, is significantly different than feelings throughout the general population whereas two out of three citizens do not support the movement to the extent suggested by reporting.

The media distortions above are remindful of the “silent majority” defined by Wikipedia as “an unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly. The term was popularized by U.S. President Richard Nixon in a televised address on November 3, 1969, in which he said, "And so tonight—to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans—I ask for your support." In this usage it referred to those Americans who did not join in the large demonstrations against the Vietnam War at the time, who did not join in the counterculture, and who did not participate in public discourse. Nixon, along with many others, saw this group of Middle Americans as being overshadowed in the media by the more vocal minority.”

While the “silent majority” is defined as “an unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly,” from the statistics above it seems that for a subject like LGBT, that group contains more than nine out of every ten people. It’s doubtful groups get much larger than that.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid in Congress bought some powdered water for her bar, but she doesn’t know what to add to it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Two completely different items in the news lead to the very same conclusion. Indications that the Democrat party not only realizes the probability of massive congressional losses next November, but may be preparing to throw Biden under the bus.

Jack Gournell  writes “The San Francisco Federal Reserve on Monday issued a study suggesting that government spending bills passed during the Biden administration are contributing to current inflation.

"Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic's economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021," economists Òscar Jordà, Celeste Liu, Fernanda Nechio, and Fabián Rivera-Reyes from the study concluded.

“The economists go on to note that while inflation is high in much of the world, for the United States, consumer prices have increased more than in similar countries. The authors contribute both the Rescue Plan and the CARES Act to inflation.”

While awareness of the administration’s causation of rampant inflation is nothing new, acknowledgement of that responsibility has not come from any agency that close to the POTUS. The federal reserve is an agency of the federal government and reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress. Considering Democrat congressional control, until now items like these have generally been suppressed.

In item two, Charles Creitz writes @ “In October 1992, radio titan Rush Limbaugh engaged in an exercise in "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" when he began a segment by – temporarily – declaring he'd endorsed Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton for president against President George H.W. Bush:

"Ladies and gentlemen, here at 12 minutes after the hour on the 22nd of October, am here to tell you that I have decided to endorse the candidacy of Bill Clinton for president."

Responding to a caller, Rush said: “It was 23 minutes ago. You keep talking about something that happened 23 minutes ago. It's irrelevant…," Limbaugh later told a caller. He ultimately explained he was simply imitating the Democratic candidate:

"Governor Clinton has been doing for 20 years what I did on my show today -- saying things then denying them," the conservative radio giant said at the time. Limbaugh commented during a 2013 throwback to the skit that Clinton was repeatedly "lying through his teeth" on several issues and denying allegations of an extramarital affair by former Arkansas state employee Gennifer Flowers.

Getting the substance of his point, Creitz  goes on: ”On Tuesday's "Hugh Hewitt Show", host Hugh Hewitt drew parallels between Limbaugh's exercise illustrating Clinton's behavior, and current President Biden's repeated off-script comments about Russian leader Vladimir Putin remaining in power or whether U.S. troops could be dispatched to Ukraine.

"Thirty years ago, Rush did that bit… and yesterday [it was] Joe Biden," Hewitt said. "Life imitates art – that was Rush being the … artist and Joe Biden imitating it."

"Rush was doing a schtick… this is not schtick, this is the President of the United States – in a time when the CCP led by Xi Jinping is attempting to take over the world, and when Russia is raping Ukraine," Hewitt said.

While Hewitt is a conservative talk show host, the points he raises aren’t truly political. Instead they are much more a question of Biden’s mental fitness for office. With indications continually increasing of potential intellectual slippage, White House personnel have had to more frequently retract, interpret or otherwise explain Biden’s verbiage.

As those needs for correction increase, along with more open discussion of gaffes the possibility grows that whoever’s in control of Biden’s public interactions has decided that, since the midterm elections are a loss anyway, now’s the time to let him sink. But then one has to wonder, as bad as Biden is, do they truly want Kamala Harris at the helm?

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid in congress broke a mirror getting her seven years bad luck. But a lawyer in her bar told he'd get her five.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Things seem to be more or less constant around the world in recent days, regarding anything particularly different, exciting or extraordinarily unusual. Most outstanding is that Putin is finding that his invasion of Ukraine may have been a huge mistake. There’s a high probability that he’s currently seeking a graceful way out and someone or something to blame for ever starting the incursion in the first place.

However, while scanning various news-sites this morning, finding nothing exceptional a different light went on, as a realization hit that the last time Bill Clinton’s wife was in headlines could not be remembered. A scan revealed that the last article about her was posted back on March 8, @, regarding her stating: “The political figure [Clinton] the right wing loves to hate made it very clear Tuesday morning that she is absolutely not running for president again.

While it’s far too early for those kinds of statements to matter, her comment spurred another search. This one to find a possible cause for Bill’s wife’s decision, which could very well do with the extremely quiet John Durham.

Regarding Durham, the last posting came from all places, CNN, and Crime and Justice reporter Katelyn Polantz, who writes: “Special counsel John Durham gave a glimpse on Wednesday of his extensive use of a federal grand jury to bring a false statement charge against former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

 “In a new court filing, Durham says he issued subpoenas to 15 people and entities in the course of his investigation, including political organizations, a university, researchers, an investigative firm and companies.

“Sussmann is only the second defendant in the two-and-a-half-year investigation of special counsel Durham, which previously inspired former President Donald Trump and his supporters to believe a takedown of the FBI was coming for its actions investigating Trump and Russia.

"Sussmann is accused of not fully disclosing his motivations and clients -- the Clinton campaign and a tech executive -- to an FBI official to whom he provided information that suggested a connection between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank of Russia in 2016.”

Most importantly, “Durham also said he is beginning to turn over evidence to Sussmann's defense team so it can prepare for trial. Federal authorities are working to declassify 30 reports of witness interviews, grand jury transcripts and the FBI case file on Alfa Bank -- the topic which Sussmann had brought to the FBI in 2016.

While things have been silent from Durham for quite a long time now, it’s at trial where situations become most serious as defendants seek to trade information for leniency or penalty reduction. The most important point being that while Durham is extremely cautious and quiet, he’s certainly not gone away.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Today a man walked into the Bronx Congresswoman’s bar and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. She gave him a glass of water.

Friday, March 25, 2022


Today’s one of those that write themselves. Three headlines lead into news that’s makes the day. The first, says: “AP-NORC Poll: Low Marks for Biden on Economy as Prices Rise.”

“About 7 in 10 Americans say the nation’s economy is in bad shape, and close to two-thirds disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In addition, Americans are more likely to say his policies have hurt the economy than helped it.”

Most importantly: “The polls hints at a paradox in which the public views Biden as being in power without necessarily being in control. His hopes for a lasting economic renaissance have faded as Americans cope with higher food and energy costs. And the promise of a country no longer under the pandemic's sway has been supplanted by the uncertainty of war in Europe.” 

The common trend here, if the results are unacceptable is that Biden’s involved. While those truly familiar with his past are fully aware of his incapability and tendency toward mismanagement, error and misjudgment, but now voters are reaching a similar conclusion.

“Overall, 65% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the nation’s economy, including 96% of Republicans and 36% of Democrats. The overall share saying they disapprove is up from 57% in December of 2021 and from 47% last July.

“Gas prices stand above other types of inflation when it comes to the worries ordinary Americans have about price increases impacting their bottom lines. A hefty 68% said they're very concerned about gas prices, while 59% expressed the same degree of worry about rising grocery prices.”

Which leads right into the next item which has to be some kind of a joke. ”While speaking to reporters at a NATO event Thursday, President Joe Biden said he would be "very fortunate" if former President Donald Trump runs against him again in the 2024 presidential election.

"In the next election I'd be very fortunate if I had that same man running against me," Biden said at a news conference from NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

“Biden's remark comes as he faces public approval ratings hovering at 40% and also as Trump has hinted that he will likely seek the Republican nomination in 2024.”

The article includes a recap of Biden’s performance in office to date: “On Biden's watch, inflation has surged, Russia acted to invade Ukraine in spite of sanction threats from the White House, management of the pandemic ran into various administrative hurdles and a new wave of the coronavirus, and key Biden legislative initiatives fell victim to gridlock on Capitol Hill. This, though Biden ran his 2020 campaign on pledges to united a politically divided nation and help promote compromise in Congress.

“In a similar vein, illegal immigration at the southern border with Mexico has continued at a rapid pace, prompting strong criticisms from Trump. A cornerstone of the Trump administration, the border wall project, was put on hold under Biden and left unfinished.”

If that kind of record is one Biden thinks is sought by voters, one wonders what he thinks they expect from a president to begin with.

Staying, the next piece may put the entire Trump vs. Clinton conflict into a new perspective, whereas if government won’t take the appropriate steps to bring her to justice, perhaps Trump and his attorneys can do it themselves.

According to a Newsmax article: “Donald Trump on Thursday sued his rival in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Hillary Clinton, and several other Democrats, alleging that they tried to rig that election by tying his campaign to Russia.

“The lawsuit covers a long list of grievances the Republican former president repeatedly aired during his four years in the White House after beating Clinton, and comes as he continues to claim that his 2020 election defeat by Democratic President Joe Biden was the result of widespread fraud.

"Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty," the former president alleged in a 108-page lawsuit filed in a federal court in Florida.

The suit alleges "racketeering" and a "conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood," among other claims.”

And perhaps, that’s the way to do it. To date, it seems that wherever Trump turns, government representatives, officials, bureaus, agencies, or any entity supposedly  involved in seeking the truth regarding performance of the Clinton campaign becomes delayed, encumbered or otherwise prevented from producing the facts in the matter. Compounding the matter is cooperation and support of the mainstream media.

But now, in the presentation of facts, details, and evidence of behavior, the criminality will be brought to light, whether the media wishes to cooperate or not. Which is likely where the issue belonged in the first place, in front of the voting public for them to judge for themselves. And if Trump’s track record to now stays consistent, he’ll put the Clinton faction where it truly belongs, receiving justice for continual criminality to date.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The barmaid from the Bronx who’s serving her customers on one hand and her term on the other is proving an old George Carlin point: “Some people have no idea what they’re doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.”

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Jeffrey Rodack’s article this morning addresses very serious subject matter. But, in actuality, it’s pretty amusing.

Rodack writes that, “The White House is signaling former President Donald Trump will not be a key part of its talking points when dealing with Russia’s war against Ukraine, The Hill is reporting.

“The news outlet said Trump’s history with Russian President Vladimir Putin has sometimes put Republicans in an awkward position. In addition, Ukraine played a key role in Trump’s first impeachment after his administration was said to have held up security assistance to Ukraine, The Hill said.”

And then the article gets to the funny part, whereas Rodack writes: “But, with few exceptions, President Joe Biden has largely avoided attacking Trump since taking office.” Which is so strikingly presumptuous it’s laughable. The only reason Biden isn’t attacking Trump is because on record he can’t without destroying himself.

A place to start is Inflation where the latest government data on inflation indicate consumer prices jumped 7.5% over last 12 months, the fastest pace in 40 years. Now American families are spending $275 per month more on average on everything from groceries to gas. The gasoline average gallon price alone in 2020 was $2.329, today it’s $4.236, almost double. Thank you, Joe Biden

Then there’s the border where U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures now show that more than 2 million unauthorized migrants came across the Mexican border in the calendar year and were apprehended or turned themselves in – in addition to those not stopped or detected. Thank you, Joe Biden

Another subject is public safety where years of Democratic rule ruined some of the nation’s finest cities, but Biden offered them his full support anyway. As reported by , “Of the dozen cities that have already surpassed the grim milestones for killings, five topped records that were set or tied just last year.” While crime rates have increased in Democrat strongholds, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, St. Paul, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Tucson, Arizona; Toledo, Ohio; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Austin, Texas; Rochester, New York; and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thank you, Joe Biden

Next comes Ukraine where as tragic as events are, if the U.S. continued to maintain its position as leading producer of oil, dependency on Russia would matter little if at all, other than for humanitarian reasons. But here once more, Biden has put the nation in an untenable position whereas sanctions on Russia cannot be strongly enforced. Thank you, Joe Biden

Bringing us to the climate-change farce, best described back in 2019 by Rush as “nothing but a bunch of computer models that attempt to tell us what's going to happen in 50 years or 30," Limbaugh said on Fox News Sunday. "Notice the predictions are never for next year or the next ten years. They're always for way, way, way, way out there, when none of us are going to be around or alive to know whether or not they were true." Thank you, Joe Biden

Rodack’s article closes with something funnier still, as he writes: “Still, some Democrats say the White House needs to step up its attacks on Republicans as the midterms near.

“This isn’t the time to take a passive approach,” said one unnamed Democrat strategist. “Every day, they need to be out there reminding people what we stand for and what Republicans stand for.”

Considering Democrat positions on many of the serious issues facing the nation, their ability to grasp and analyze intelligently often comes under suspicion. But this one has to qualify for some incredibly high level of stupidity, unless perhaps the Democrat strategist is truly a Republican in disguise.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid Congresswoman started her own social welfare program and is giving customers two olives in their drinks. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Painfully enduring the costs incurred from the nation’s swing toward socialism, spurred some thoughts about its flaws. And unfortunately for the public, the most damaging, egregious imperfection can’t be fixed. Because the major defect is the root of the system itself.

Capitalism is described as: “An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, price system, private property, property rights recognition, voluntary exchange, and wage labor. 

Socialism: “Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems. Primarily all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.

Simply put, under capitalism the people control their own destinies while socialism gives government complete power. Socialism proponents claim that since the government is elected by the people, they still retain their abilities regarding self-determination. However, that is not the case, whereas in practicality socialist regimes ordinarily bring performance to the lowest common denominator, while self-motivated bureaucrats rise to the top. And the primary reason is motivation.

In a socialistic system, quality of performance means nothing whereas personal equality is the objective. Thus, whether performance is best or worst, rewards are equal. In that circumstance, it doesn’t take very long for workers of any kind to realize that tiring effort is unnecessary, since nothing will be gained from the trouble. Which is something that can be seen even under capitalism regarding public-service performance within the system. Having to deal with obtaining any kind of government permit, license, certificate or virtually any type of assistance is ordinarily an ordeal.

Way back thirty years ago or so, in an early episode of “Law & Order,” Detectives Briscoe and Logan search for a suspected killer. The trail leads to a city office where they ask a supervisor if their target was a good worker. The answer received was “Hey, this is the government. What would you expect. If the job is good, bad, or indifferent, the pays the same.”

Thus, simple logic leads to the fact that if the pay is the same, workers will naturally seek the easiest way out, which is what the quality of government workers reflects. Further damage visible in such results as reduction to a 30 hour work-week from Obamacare, a governmental approach to medical care for all. In theory, an equilateral approach to healthcare, in reality unmanageable and unaffordable.

And now today, performance is again obvious as inflation soars towards 10%, people pay $6.00 a gallon for gasoline in California and $3.67 for a loaf of bread in New York simply to support a political theory. But, what else should really be expected when the system produces “leaders” like Joe Biden and the Bronx bartender now so very  influential in Congress?

That’s it for today folks.


PS: In a recent interview, the Bronx Bartender in Congress said: “Americans are getting stronger. Last year, it took two people to carry ten dollars' worth of groceries. Today, a five-year-old can do it.

Monday, March 21, 2022


The way the administration disseminates information suggests that perhaps they’ve been left behind technologically. While the world moves along in an electronic era, White House press relations remain in a stone age. Fixed, permanent records exist of every word uttered publicly, be it video or various types of other recording techniques, easily researched and referenceable. Nonetheless, Press Secretary, Jen Psaki continues to create, bend or alter responses accordingly, regardless of truths.

Every time the president addresses inflation at present, another reason is furnished for significant increases. Be it Covid, Putin, Ukraine, gouging petroleum providers or anything else upon which to shift focus. Yet, there’s an irreversible video clip of Biden surrounded by Greens as he proudly shuts off the Keystone pipeline as his first act in office, thereby igniting the burst of inflation now strangling the nation’s economy.

While alteration of facts is at best unethical, depending on circumstance perhaps illegal, it’s insulting as well. It’s highly doubtful voters with reasonable intellect, enjoy being told they don’t understand what’s transpiring, misunderstood situations or communications, or misheard information as presented. But Biden has to take that approach because he’s stuck in a political box.

As posted here often before, Biden needed the Greens and radical left to win over Trump last time around. Promises made for votes included environmental restriction and regulation proving to be unfulfillable and fundamentally irrational. However, instead of seeking alternative ways to appease dissatisfied leftists, the administration is trying to be all things to all people. Thereby forcing themselves to distort economic results and reports released to the public. The problem is, thanks to technology, the public knows the truth.

What’s most interesting is that upon taking office, the administration implemented two major positions; immediately enforcing a far left political platform on one hand while specifically undoing or reversing any and all things enacted or promoted by Trump on the other. In less than a calendar year two things were proven.

Far left policies and positions stopped, then reversed the performance of a free and open economy, including stimulation of unbridled inflation for the first time in over forty years. At the same time, Trump’s enacted platform, based on business fundamentals, performed beyond expectation. So, by working to reverse Trump for political purposes, the current administration worked against simple logic and common sense, putting themselves in an untenable position.

All of which goes to illustrate that, wishing, dreaming and theorizing are all pleasurable exercises but the place to try them isn’t while running the largest most successful economy in world history. And although hard leftists don’t like gasoline, without viable replacement that economy suffers significantly. But the zealots went ahead and severely restricted drilling anyway. The result being that, being unable to change economic results, someone like Jen Psaki is forced to change economic reports.  

That’s it for today folks.


PS: A screwdriver rolled into the Bronx Congresswoman’s bar. She say’s “Hey, we have a drink named after you!” The screwdriver says “You have a drink named Phillip?”

Friday, March 18, 2022


Back in the Obama White House, Valerie Jarrett served as a senior advisor to the president and assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs from 2009 to 2017. Many thought the relationship was close, with Obama routinely relying on her judgement .

According to Wikipedia: ”Jarrett's role as both a friend of the Obamas and as senior advisor in the White House was controversial: in his memoirs Robert M. Gates, former secretary of defense, discussed his objection to her involvement in foreign security affairs. David Axelrod reported in his memoirs about Rahm Emanuel's attempts to have her selected as Obama's replacement in the senate, due to concerns about the difficulty in working with a family friend in a major policy role.

She’s mentioned today because of an interview in which she stated that one of the reasons she enjoyed working with Obama was that he was the “most intelligent person she’d ever met.”

According to the Alpha High IQ Society, “He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a bachelor's degree in international relations and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama entered politics when he was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996. Barack Obama's IQ estimated at 140 IQ."

Regarding IQ ranges themselves, three gradients are recognized within the gifted range: Gifted, from 130-145 IQ. Highly gifted ranges 140-160 IQ; and exceptionally gifted above 160 IQ.

It’s recalled that at the time of Jarett’s comment, a posting here said that rather than establishing Obama as some sort of genius, it seemed instead that Jarrett hadn’t met an awful lot of intelligent people.

And now, today, there’s a similar circumstance regarding perspective relative to individuals preferences. Much like Jarrett opined about the magnitude of Obama’s intelligence, the Bronx bartender in Congress, Warren, a handful of other Congresspeople, along with the hard left issue demands as if in total control of Congress.

The so-called “Squad,” presses for “emergency” climate legislation where everything else need be dropped to immediately handle pending doom. In an instance such as this, one has to wonder if these zealots truly believe an emergency exists or are simply extending a scam. Either way, however, consideration of reality would be helpful to their case.

The last presidential election was a Democrat win for several significant reasons. The primary factor was a combination of a backlash against rampant Covid, beyond Trump’s control along with an avowed promise by Biden to immediately cure the outbreak. Disastrously for Trump, Covid’s effects brought the otherwise most successful economy in the nation’s history to a screeching halt. Similarly, all other aspects of issues normally considered key to electorates lost presence during the campaign.

While the presence of the “hard-left” bore some weight in electoral tallies, there was by no means a swing among the electorate to see these zealots and their ideology replace democracy. In effect, they happened to be in the right place at the right time, electorally speaking.

As stated previously these looney-tunes comprise roughly 8% of the electorate, Covid is coming under control and Biden has failed legislatively across the board. So just like Valerie Jarrett needs to get out and mingle some more, to meet some truly intellectual types versus Obama, these lefties need to understand that 89% of those who vote aren’t going to panic because they claim it’s going to be warm tomorrow.

That’s it for today folks.


PS:  The Bronx barmaid in Congress went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022


Sometimes it’s hard to determine if politicians live in time warps or feel it’s somehow beneficial to insult voters intelligence. Anyone having the slightest exposure to national news, is fully aware that the very first presidential act by Biden was to proudly spread papers across his desk, brandish a pen, to cancel the Keystone pipeline and however many other U.S. oil producing capabilities were involved. Surrounded by far-left congressional members and some “Greens,” they celebrated the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use in the nation.

And now, today, Luca Cacciatore writes that “Sen. Elizabeth Warren avoided blaming fallout from Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine or the Biden administration's policies while discussing rising inflation Wednesday on CNBC's "The Exchange."

“The Massachusetts Democrat instead attributed skyrocketing prices around the country to the COVID-19 pandemic and companies passing costs on to consumers.

"I think the primary cause of this bout of pricing increases starts with COVID," Warren told host Tyler Mathisen.”

Biden himself said in a March 8 press briefing, “We understand Putin's war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. We get that. That's self-evident. But ... it's no excuse to exercise excessive price increases or padding profits or any kind of effort to exploit this situation or American consumers.”

Not knowing how party-focused propaganda works, one would have to guess there must be some advantage gained by promoting fictional pap when the truth is unequivocally completely different. Perhaps it’s nothing more than politico’s pandering to their base. There is certainly no mystery as to how and why inflation is currently at levels not seen since WWII, having nothing much to do with Covid-19 or war in Ukraine or anywhere else.

The way inflation works, a “wage-price spiral” is caused by the effect of supply and demand on aggregate prices. In the nation’s current case, upon taking office, Biden immediately reduced the nation’s production of oil, thereby decreasing supply, thereby increasing prices. From there, oil price increases caused increases in fuel which caused increases in transportation, increasing costs of delivered items; food, apparel, supplies of all kinds and virtually everything else hauled in a gas-powered vehicle. One could go on into the intricacies of economics, but that’s really not required. Every iota of the inflation increasing cost of living of U.S. citizens stemmed from Biden proudly killing Keystone as act one on day one of his administration.

As posted here yesterday, just as the nation’s inflationary woes were caused by a Biden pen stroke, the reversal could be initiated exactly the same way. Reopen Keystone, a symbolic gesture, back off overbearing rules and regulations, convince drillers they won’t be curbed again by any kind of legislative surprise or return to a completely anti-fossil fuel agenda. Upon removal of legislative fears, a return toward production normalcy would begin virtually instantaneously.

Also as posted here yesterday, whereas Biden is completely, totally, undoubtedly self-serving, it’s expected he’ll turn the nation’s oil spigots back on as soon as he finds the most personally beneficial way to do it.

In Warren’s case, she can keep appealing to the 8% of voters who are either determined to undermine the nation or dumber than cinder blocks. Either way, she herself remains worthless, proving the point every time she opens her mouth.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: The Bronx barmaid in congress received results from her IQ test. They were negative.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Much like Monday’s Climate-Change revelation, another mental bulb’s gone off. Several more large pieces falling into place. Most important, Biden will definitely turn the U.S. oil spigots back on, the question is: When?

There’s nothing far out, irrational or even odd about the prediction. The conclusion derives from simple logic (and arithmetic.)

To begin, Biden will do anything for money, maybe power too. Though if he had money and no power, he’d probably find that acceptable. If he had power and no money, odds are he’d not be a happy camper. Be that as it may, the money part is certain and If he loses the presidency, he’ll no doubt lose both.

Since the only way Biden can keep the presidency is getting votes across the board, he needs all the Democrats, vast majority of Independents and maybe, even some Republicans too. With inflation at 10% or more, he’ll get nowhere near what he needs of those. And what’s the root cause of the current inflationary spiral in the nation? Oil prices.

Right now, voters across America are paying the highest gasoline price in the nation’s history. Every time they stop and fill up, is another reminder of what Biden and the Greens are costing them for no rational reason other than a party platform based on an unprovable premise as to what climate conditions will be 100 years from now.

Climate issues helped last time around, the Greens providing needed votes. But now Biden’s got the job and needs to worry about keeping it. Since it’s highly likely, if not absolute, Biden doesn’t truly care a whit about the climate, under today’s conditions the Greens are expendable. That brings us back to arithmetic.

Democrats make up 39.58% of the electorate. Republicans comprise another 29.48%, while Independents count for 28.39%. Within the Democrat sector, only 8.38% consider themselves “Far Left.”  Which means that 89.07% of total voters are not Greens.

The sheer numbers alone disclose that due to deals made to get votes, less than 9% of voters, The Greens, leveraged themselves into positions of power. To the extent that the nation is now victim to others for critical oil supplies. At the same time, the U.S. sits on the largest resource of the cleanest, purest crude in the world, but can’t produce it effectively due to politics and regulation. And, unfortunately for Biden, the other 89% of voters now know this.

So, Biden now has a choice that’s plain and simple. Maintain his steadfast position that the climate is the most critical issue facing the nation, satisfying 9% of voters. Or, allow oil producers to return to full operation, pleasing the other 89%. What do you think he’ll do?

What’s more he has a ready made excuse, whereas he can unquestionably call the policy reversal a “national emergency” to avoid dependency on other nations while breaking the back of presently uncontrollable inflation. And if he did that, as sad as it seems, that would go a very long way toward his reelection.

So, since Biden certainly knows all this, the question isn’t will he reverse course, but when. The closer to election day the better for him, provided he doesn’t wait too long to lose his advantage.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Yesterday some guy walked into the Bronx Congresswoman’s bar. Apparently, it wasn’t set high enough.

Monday, March 14, 2022


It doesn’t usually take this long, several years in fact, to recognize a scam. This one popped into place only this morning.

It’s been obvious for quite some time that there is no global warming, and certainly no material or unnatural climate change. That’s the beauty of the scheme. Climate-change doesn’t even exist, yet politicians have been ripping the public off for more than 30 years with taxes, licenses, penalties, fines, fees and whatever else. AlGore alone’s been suspected as a fraud ever since he wrote Earth in the Balance in 1992. He most certainly promoted climate fears to sell carbon swaps and whatever else for the money.

The new “climate czar,” John Kerry, has never done  anything in his life that wasn’t self-promoting, self-enriching or in some way personally beneficial. In fact it’s rather insulting for him to think one dumb enough to believe climate fears without proof. Particularly as he travels worldwide in his private jet. But, then again, he does have to  get there quickly, before the climate changes.  

The following appeared on, November 24, 2020. published at in the Boston Herald:

 So now he’s got this phoney-baloney made-up job — climate czar. How do we know it’s make-believe? Because they also sort of put Kerry on the National Security Council, to give his role at least a slight patina of gravitas.

“Back in the day, when Mama T [Teresa Heinz Kerry] was still making public appearances, Kerry had his own personal private jet, the Flying Squirrel.

“Actually, the Flying Squirrel was owned, more precisely, by his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund, in much the same way that he claimed not to own those five SUVs at each of his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund’s mansions.

“Remember the winter of 2014? He was the secretary of state, privately jetting from one very important conference on global warming to another, warning of the “existential” threats that were posed to the planet.”

Kerry, though, isn’t the only one in the climate-change movement that’s hypocritical. It’s doubtful anyone, even a hard-leftist, really thinks the climates’ going to change dramatically anytime soon, certainly not in their lifetimes. The truth, nonetheless, is quite a  different story.

Today, everyone in the Greens understands the con, unless they’re denser than a brick, quite possible for some. And as scams go, it’s literally perfect. Here’s a hustle that cannot be proven one way or the other. Do you know what the climate will be like in the U.S. in ten years? Does anyone know for sure? How about 20 years? 30, 50, 100? What about next week’s temperatures, or even tomorrow for sure. 

But these Greens say they not only know, it’s certain. Their computer models told them that, and computers don’t lie. They’re so certain, President Joe Biden's 2022 budget proposal calls for more than $36 billion to fight global climate change, an increase of more than $14 billion. Do you know where that $36 billion will be spent in the climate-change fight? It’s a given that Biden doesn’t know. He’s lucky if he can find his shoes. Does Kamala Harris know where the billions will be spent? Gimme a break!

And there again, that’s the beauty of the scam, they don’t have to know because who’s going to prove them wrong about something that’s not going to happen for another 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60, 70, 80, 90,100 years? But right now, today, all they have to do is whisper the initials, “C.C.”  across a microphone and the far left will zap out in a stone cold coma. Their hearts can’t take it.

Surely, the value of a major league hustle like this one is obvious on its own. Yet, the outside help received is enormous. Full-time support comes from a mainstream media that doesn’t qualify anything helpful to the left. Then come the Hollywood types who have so little personal substance they lead others’ lives for a career, but want to be publicly known as concerned about “our” planet. And of course, believers populate a host of major groups traditionally known for being broke, willing to trade their support for a few bucks anywhere they can get them, so long as they don’t have to work. It’s not coming out of their pockets, after all, and they don’t own private vehicles, eighteen wheelers, private aircraft or yachts.

Bringing us to the biggest benefit of all. By leading off every sentence with another warning about Climate-Change, the president, Greens and most others on the left don’t have to be concerned about not having a platform. When it comes to other serious issues concerning the nation, with them it’s nada, none, zip, zilch, zero, nothing, “I’ll pass on that one,” “There ain’t any,” kind of stuff. There are no worries about Ukraine, inflation, the border, crime, taxes, the budget or real infrastructure because they never talk about those issues. You ask about border insecurity, their answer is “How can you ask about the border under these kinds of climate conditions? If we don’t start putting up windmills right now, forty-five years from now there won’t be any glaciers for your  great, great, great grandchildren to play on when they visit the arctic.” Or “Can you imagine a world without snowball fights?”

So it appears there are two ways to look at the issue; good news and bad news. Good news that the planet is safe. Warming’s a fraud. Our marshmallows won’t toast on their own. But the bad news is a disaster. Whereas warming’s a fraud and can never be proven; always out there in the future somewhere, it can never be fixed either. That gives the Greens an issue literally from here to eternity. Scams can’t get any better than that.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: Someone glued the bartending Congresswoman’s pack of cards together—she doesn’t  know how to deal with it. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022


Kamala Harris stepped to a podium yesterday afternoon, didn’t catch the location. Fox News recorded her talk. She said: “We’ve given you all everything you asked for in the very first year. Voters told us what they wanted; we gave it to them. Everything! That means, if voters asked for something we gave it to them. Straight to them, not to anyone else. Except them. There were plenty of things asked for, we didn’t care, “Those are our voters,” we said, “We give them everything they want because they’re our voters. That’s who they are, our voters. It’s who they are. Them. Those people. Our voters. Nobody’s gonna let our voters down. If they want something, they get it. Them, those are the ones, voters. They get what they want. That’s why we give it to them, because they want it."

“I’m going to stop here," she said, "because the president is going to be speaking in about an hour, and I know he’s planning to say pretty much the same thing. So I don’t want to steal his thunder.”

Michael Goodwin added a few thoughts in his New York Post column yesterday, March 12: “Meanwhile, Biden keeps in place his curbs on American energy production as he rummages through the dictators’ phonebook for sources of gas and oil to replace the Russian fuel he embargoed. 

“Of course, our president, as Robert Gates famously said, has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” 

"He’s also the same man about whom Barack Obama said: “Do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” 

“Why should this time be different?”

And then, all the way on the other side of the spectrum, there’s the former honcho, Trump. At a rally in Florence, South Carolina. Newsmax reports he said: ‘"The past year we've watched in horror as everything Joe Biden touches turns into a calamity and a total disaster. It's one train wreck after another."

“Trump blasted America's weakness under Biden, including the Afghanistan withdrawal and allowing Russia's Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine: "the stench of the Biden administration stretches all over the globe."

"He disgraced our nation with a humiliating surrender in Afghanistan; there has never been a lower point in the history of our country," Trump said.

“Biden's following former President Barack Obama's leading from behind has proved deadly and damaging for Ukraine and the world, he continued.

"We had peace through strength," Trump said. "That's what it was. Our country was safe and the world was calm because America was strong, and they respected our leadership.

"The fake news said my personality would get us into a war: 'I'm telling you, that guy is going to get us into a war,'" Trump added. "But, actually, my personality is what kept us out of war. I was the only president in nearly four decades who did not get America into any new conflicts instead.

He next addressed an ongoing topic here in these posts, Climate-Change.

“They say over the next 300 years, the oceans will rise, about this much," Trump said showing a pinch of an inch. "But you know, the real threat we have is the nuclear threat. That's going to be the global warming and we can't let that ever happen. The nuclear threat: That's the real global warming that nobody ever talks about – the lunatics on the left, the globalist radicals, global environmental radicals."

Although Trump’s absolutely correct in his opinion, there’s much more to the subject to be considered. It took quite some time, but the far left/climate-change rationale has finally been figured out. It’s an involved story, to be discussed here tomorrow.

In the meantime, what’s most remarkable is that while Biden certainly lives up to Robert Gates famous saying and has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” on performance in office, Trump may have truly been one of the very best.

So, it seems voters have to decide whether they want an effective, already proven executive in office but has some personality quirks, or do they want an incompetent stooge who lied his way into the Oval Office in the middle of a pandemic.

That’s it for today folks.


PS: When the Congressional barmaid was still pulling Bud drafts, a polar bear walked in and said: “I’ll have a rum …………………. and coke.”

She asked: “What’s with the big pause?”

The bear shrugged, saying. “I was born with them.”

Saturday, March 12, 2022


Wasn’t planning posting today, but just saw Biden delivering very good news in a clip on Fox News. At a podium somewhere, he wanted to make very, very clear to a few in the press corps that the Keystone pipeline will stay canceled, no ifs, ands, or buts. To further his rationale, he stated the pipeline was “two years” from construction anyhow, therefore he thinks cancellation makes no difference certainly now, and probably ever.

Alaska Senator, Dan Sullivan, was interviewed next, separately. His story was completely different and far more similar to most others in any kind of business, owning a home or driving a vehicle. Rising oil prices affect such a wide range of costs, particularly involving home heating, industrial purposes, air travel, business transport, public transportation, vehicles of all types and on and on.

A side effect of those high prices is that the discretionary spending of consumers drops. They spend a relatively larger portion of their income on gasoline. They’ll also tend to drive less—places like the mall or shopping centers.

All of this means is, that except for Biden himself who made a deal with the Greens to get their votes, and the Greens themselves, a relatively small number, the Biden position on fossil fuels is not very popular. In fact, for those in lower income brackets the position is flat out despised.

So, what is the “good news"? The good news is that with Biden’s anti-fossil ideology, spurring inflation presently to between 7 ½ and 10%, he and his Greens haven’t a chance at reelection. Democrats in general will likely face significant losses in the Congressional elections this year, with a very good chance the Greens themselves will be voted into minimalization or maybe oblivion altogether.

Which means that Biden is actually as dumb as he looks.

That’s it for today folks.


Friday, March 11, 2022


Looks like Putin bit off more than he chew, consensus being that he’ll just get angrier, bombing till he’s satisfied. Wrecking the economy doesn’t seem to bother Biden who’ll keep going until he runs out of other people to blame (except for the  Greens.) When recently asked by Fox News what his current plans for the economy were, he replied, “Huh? “What?” “Have you seen my lunch?” then turned and walked into a wall.

Changing the subject, the last couple of days were spent getting some long remembered associates off my chest. Another is clearly recalled. This guy was either the most incompetent human being on Earth, or the brightest, we never figured out which. He was truly gifted with an incredible capability to find opportunities. If on a desert Island alone, we believed, he’d find a prospective customer under a rock. Once that opportunity arose, however, everything came apart, he being unable to propose, conduct nor certainly close transactions themselves.

The transactional shortcomings are what confused us. Was he truly incapable of performing the “business” aspects of our services? Or did he make those of us responsible believe he was inept, to avoid the work involved in procedures, causing the “busy work” to be done by others than himself?. Either way, he remained of significant value, fully compensated as such, while carving out preferred job parameters unique to himself.

On the morning of my arrival as Sales Manager, needing to acclimate myself, an administrative officer suggested I accompany this salesperson to a contract “closing” with a new client. Having spent quite a few years in the industry myself, coming from a competing organization, I’d found, arranged and closed considerable numbers of transactions exactly the same. In fact, that’s why I was hired in the first place.

Attending this closing, simply there to observe, things seemed odd. The client was asked to sign only the first and last of a carbonized three page, fine-printed, contract form itself. The middle page was skipped. Supporting documents: resolutions, schedules, waivers and the like, seemed presented haphazardly, some signed, some ignored. Some pages skipped, carbon sheets torn, when finished, our smiling salesperson bid our goodbyes for our return to our own offices.

Back at our place, the administrator removed the executed forms from their folder, glanced through them quickly, looked at me and said, “What is this stuff?” I replied, “Those are the contracts  you asked our salesperson to have signed.” He said, “These aren’t signed contracts, half of them are blank, carbon copies are shredded and this doesn’t look like any kind of paperwork I’ve ever seen.” I said, “Thank heavens.” He asked, “Why would you thank heavens? How could you let this happen? You were there. You’re a professional. I can’t believe you’d find this stuff acceptable.” I replied. “Look. I’m brand new, first day on the job, out with one of your most experienced salespeople. I wouldn’t interrupt an appointed closing ever. I thought that was how you people did business and I’d have to learn all over again.”

Later that day, returning to the client myself, contract disasters fixed, we went on from there.

On another occasion, I received a phone call from a virtually livid woman, complaining about our salesperson’s behavior, offering no specifics. Looking up the file, we’d done significant amounts of preparation work on the transaction, she was a first time customer, while the referrer was a valued client as well. Apologizing for whatever our salesperson’s mistakes had been, asking If I could visit, she accepted and we went on from there.

As I left her Manhattan building, following the contract closing, right outside on the sidewalk was our salesman. Smoking his traditional thick victory cigar, he approached and said, “You know, Mike. I just came here to tell you that I could’ve closed that contract with her myself. If she’d have let me into her building.” And that was all said with a straight face.

Sometime later,  visiting one of the largest aluminum parts manufacturers in the nation together, chance arose to meet the two owning partners along with their chief financial officer. With nothing really to proffer regarding specifics, seated at the end of a  long conference table beside me, our salesperson very slowly rotated his swivel-chair in circles.

With we four others involved in serious negotiation by now, I nonetheless heard a faint “clinking” sound. No one else reacted. A few minutes later, came a louder “clunk.” This time, surreptitiously looking up from the corner of my eye, I realized that the conference room wall behind was constructed of carefully stacked, loose, airplane parts. As he turned, our salesperson had unknowingly kicked the wall, shaking two of the small top parts free.

Shorty later, parts began truly raining down behind us, by now making considerable racket.

As our salesperson sat bewildered still spinning, unaware of what had occurred,  I was invited to “take my associate with me “ being escorted to the door.

Shortly later visiting alone, that transaction remains one of the most difficult I'd ever completed. After all, how many times do salesman pay a call, knock a prospects wall down and still “close the deal?”

Interestingly enough, that client went onto be one of the best, having significant needs as they rapidly expanded. Which means I suppose, although never tying again personally, there may be something to this “spinning chair thing.”

That’s it for today folks.


The bartending Bronx congresswoman was brought before a judge. The judge says, "You've been brought here for drinking." The congresswoman says,  "Okay, let's get started.