Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Yesterday’s posting erupted into a backlash against politicians who not only do nothing, but work full time to reduce all others to the lowest common denominator possible, vocationally speaking. Especially because if those worthless politicians are successful, once they’ve reduced the population to complete incompetency, that population becomes totally dependent upon those that support them, wishing to keep them in office at all costs forever, just like Mom and Dad.

While the prior posting burst a surge of anger and frustration, later thinking developed the premise further regarding individual competency. Because in the real world, employees  aren’t measured by how much they can out-promise others, they retain their jobs according to how well they actually produce. In that regard, I doubt many readers currently working could report failure of a  critical task the way Joe Biden did last Friday, December 31, and remain employed. Just imagine walking  up to the boss and saying, “Sorry, blew that last assignment. Let those other guys do it. I’m going to the beach house to relax for a few days. See ya’ next week.”

However, performance of real people in real jobs with real responsibilities aren’t measured by verbiage, they’re judged against truly achieved positive results regarding definitive goals and objectives. And if employees attain, or exceed, expected parameters, they remain employed. If not, they’re blown out to be replaced by others who can. Businesses aren’t popularity contests, they have overhead, image and competition to be concerned with.

But since Biden isn’t truly employed in a practical sense and can survive when enough intellectual dwarfs continue to “buy” his worthless yammering’s, I researched the accountability of his current position -to measure performance against objectives.

Here’s what was found on-line as to responsibilities of the presidency: Creating and enforcing the rules of a society,defense,foreign affairs, the economy and public services.

What’s truly remarkable is that compared against job expectation, Biden’s performance isn’t found to be generally acceptable with a minor glitch here or there, instead it’s realized that there is not one responsibility being met in any way, shape or form, or even close.

Are the rules of society being enforced? Visit San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, or Baltimore to find out. How about defense and our southern border? Foreign affairs are a joke as Putin and Xi decide what to rip off next. The economy’s a disaster as inflation soars thanks to returning to dependency on foreign oil while public services remain in the stone age, as “nearly 80% of the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill is slated for grants. Only a sliver is destined for federal contracts.” According to a detailed analysis by Bloomberg Government.

So, when judged against expectation, Biden’s performance not only doesn’t measure up, if he were in a horse race, when the starter’s  gun went off he’d still be looking for the gate. And once again, while all this typing helps vent the remaining anger and frustration, the overriding problem still remains. How do we citizens get our nation running as it should be for the next three years?

That’s it for today folks.



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