The frequent interest shown here regarding “Climate change” has nothing whatsoever to do with fluctuating weather or long-term trends, but instead how the subject has been adopted by the extreme left as a political tool. Particularly in the cases of Bill Clinton’s wife along with Barack Obama and their ties to Saul Alinsky and his “Rules for Radicals.”
Four of Alinsky’s “Rules.”
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "
"Keep the pressure on."
Most important: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. "
As found in Wikipedia: “In his 1996 biography of her, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham, David Brock dubbed Hillary Clinton "Alinsky's daughter." Barbara Olson began each chapter of her 1999 book on Clinton, Hell to Pay, with a quote from Alinsky, and argued that his strategic theories directly influenced her behavior during her husband's presidency Belief in an untoward connection to Alinsky was supercharged when Clinton asked Wellesley College to seal her thesis for the duration of her husband's presidency.
“As his candidacy gained strength, and once he had defeated Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination, attention shifted to Obama's ties to Alinsky. Monica Crowley, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh repeatedly drew a connection, with the latter asking, "Has [Obama] ever had an original idea — by that, I mean something not found in The Communist Manifesto? Has he? Has he simply had an idea not found in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals?" Glenn Beck produced a four-part radio series to expose Alinsky's "vision for a Godless, centrally controlled utopia." In Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model (2009) David Horowitz argued "the roots" of his administration's "effort to subject America to a wholesale transformation" were to be found in the teachings of "the guru of Sixties radicals"—an Alinsky admonition to be "flexible and opportunistic and say anything to get power."
“When Hillary Clinton ran again for the presidency in 2016, the specter of Alinsky was resurrected. In his speech before the GOP Convention, Ben Carson extemporaneously added a riff on Saul Alinsky drawn from his keynote speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Gala. He fixed on Alinsky's "over-the-shoulder acknowledgment", at the outset of Rules for Radicals, of Lucifer as "the first radical known to man"—someone who "rebelled against the establishment ... so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom".
The employment of what was then called “Global Warming” was a hot button [no pun intended] for Rush who had a very firm handle on how this fictional fear was manipulated by the left for political purposes. In fact, what went unmentioned by leftists and the mainstream media was how, when temperatures never rose as drastically as predicted, the name was subtly changed to “Climate Change” whereupon a whole new of set of Alinsky type threats had to be invented that remained ”outside the expertise of the enemy.“
Back on February 17, 2019 Rush maintained: ‘’Climate change is nothing but a bunch of computer models that attempt to tell us what's going to happen in 50 years or 30. Notice the predictions are never for next year or the next 10 years. They're always for way, way, way, way out there, when none of us are going to be around or alive to know whether or not they were true."
The backlash was immediate from a host of climate “experts” who disparaged what Rush had to say as unfounded “utter nonsense” from a conservative radio host.
Fact-checking errors in Rush’s statement came from PolitiFact, a publication of the Poynter Institute, who declared “The first problem with Limbaugh’s claim is this: Climate change is already happening. Its impact is seen around the world.
“Here’s the topline: The broad scientific consensus is that human factors are the main contributor to global warming, with carbon dioxide emissions primarily driving up the earth’s temperature, which are now at record levels.
"Utter nonsense," is how climate scientist Kevin Trenberth characterized Limbaugh’s claim.
"We can simply look at the actual climate record," said Trenberth, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "The Earth is now hotter than it has ever been on record."
PolitiFact went on: “The last four years were the hottest on record, according to an analysis by the World Meteorological Organization of five leading international datasets. In 2018, the oceans as a whole — which contain most of the earth’s energy — were the hottest on record, according to an international panel of scientists who track the data.
“What’s more, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s leading authority on climate change has concluded with high confidence that "impacts on natural and human systems from global warming have already been observed."
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations responsible for advancing knowledge on human-induced climate change.
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for assessment of climate change. It is a key source of scientific information and technical guidance to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.”
Following up on Rush’s assertions of climate change illegitimacy and his disparagement by a host of experts, PolitiFact in particular, this morning PolitiFact was researched to find on Wikipedia: “Since 2019, The Washington Post has been partnering with the Poynter Institute to increase diversity in media, with the goal to expand Poynter's annual Leadership Academy for Diversity in Digital Media training journalists to become founders, top-level executives and innovators. Other sponsors are CNN, the Scripps Howard Foundations, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation and TEGNA Foundation.
“Since 2015, the Poynter Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Journalism has been awarded by the Poynter Institute. Winners include:
- 2015: Bob Schieffer, former CBS News anchor and host of Face the Nation
- 2016: Tom Brokaw, former anchor of NBC Nightly News
- 2017: Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour
- 2018: Lester Holt, anchor of NBC Nightly News and Dateline NBC
- 2019: Katie Couric, broadcast journalist, author and media entrepreneur
- 2020: Chris Wallace, anchor of Fox News Sunday
So, we find that the fact-checkers disparaging Rush at PolitiFact are part of the leftist media themselves, with annual awards being given to a “Who’s who” of top rung socialist “Climate Change” promoters.
And then it’s found that as far as the Paris Agreement is concerned: “Compared with the total investment required over the next fifteen years to meet the goals set by the Paris Agreement, this report estimates that the climate finance gap is USD 2.5 – 4.8 trillion.”
Research about the Paris Agreement itself reveals that huge polluters “China and India demanded rich countries provide financial support for them to increase their climate plans at a UN summit in New York.
As the largest developing country, China “also enjoys the right to receive funds”, it in a statement published by the ministry of ecology and environment. “In light of tough economic and geopolitical prospects, China is pondering its options on climate,” Li Shuo, senior energy and climate policy officer at Greenpeace China told Climate Home News, adding that Beijing’s position paper left “plenty of wiggle room for a decision to double down on climate targets in 2020”.
In India’s case: “[The] ministry of finance said its plan was set on a “best effort” basis and that “finance holds a key for all its actions”. “India can only aspire to implement the already promised climate actions”, the statement said. It added that India “may only be in a position to elaborate or clarify its post 2020 climate” plan at the summit.
“Instead, India said will be “better placed” to “suitably recalibrate [its climate plan] through re-examination and improvement,” in 2023, when the next global stocktake to ramp up ambition is due to take place.”
Some information regarding Russia was gathered for comparison purposes, to find : “Despite making noises about having accepted the reality of anthropogenic climate change, Russia's 2035 energy strategy foresees an increase in coal production primarily for Asian markets, as well as an expansion in the production of natural gas — which is being widely touted as a controversial transition fuel. At present: “Some 179 TWh of Russia's energy production came from renewable energy sources, out of a total economically feasible potential of 1823 TWh. 16% of Russia's electricity was generated from hydropower, and less than 1% was generated from all other renewable energy sources combined.”
So, we find that not only was Rush almost certainly right in his refusal to accept results of long range computer modeling guesses as the basis for “Climate Change,” leftist leadership in the U.S. fosters channeling billions of taxpayer dollars into what is most likely an Alinsky type manufactured threat in the first place. And if it wasn’t so costly to every tax-paying citizen, the stupid gullibility of left wing voters would be tragically laughable.
That’s it for today folks.
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