A thought provoking, diverse perspective was gained yesterday afternoon while watching David Asman interview a successful Hispanic businesswoman on Fox Business channel. Not learning her name, it was what she had to say that was most enlightening.
Her enterprise is located in the greater Miami area, among a sizable population of similar Hispanic entrepreneurs, mostly Cuban, and various other ethnic ownerships. Most importantly, she explained that once past ethnicity for whatever identification reasons might exist, what you have is an “American” business whose ownership is like any others in the nation. Therefore, illegal entrants crossing the border are precisely the same threat to ethnically diverse business owners as they are to any other citizens. These illegals also present the same costs, the same threats, and the same societal detriments as those foisted on other citizens, as well.
As a result, she said, significant resentment has built up against illegals causing voter backlash against the left in her neighborhood and logic suggests to her that the same attitude has developed elsewhere across the nation among citizens of all types.
Her most interesting quote about left leadership was: "We didn't come here to give what we earn to you."
As if in direct support of the Floridian businesswoman, an article appeared on newsmax.com this morning by Jim McLaughlin asking: “After one year in office and his rehearsed and scripted reset press conference, will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around? They have hardened and unanimously united the Republican base against them. They have alienated and lost the majority of the independent center.” and
Tangible substantiation of the Miami businesswoman’s premise appears in: “The results of our just completed national poll of 1,000 likely voters [showing] that as President Biden’s policies fail, America is in decline, and, with it, the Biden Coalition.
“Only 32% of all voters say America is headed in the right direction. 65% of all voters say America is on the wrong track, including 36% of those voters who would vote for a Democrat for Congress and 70% among those who are undecided for Congress. This pessimism could cause President Biden’s low popular ratings to decline further and the Democratic vote for Congress to fall even further.
“Republicans have their widest lead that we have seen in years for the generic ballot in Congress +5%, 48% to 43%. On the generic ballot, Republicans vote for the generic Republican 97% to 1%. Republicans win independents 43% to 32% and they win suburban voters 49%-41%.”
Getting more into the specifics: “Among 2020 Biden voters, 22% now disapprove of the job he’s doing. 22% of Democrats, 25% of liberals, 25% of African American voters, 50% of Hispanic voters, 52% of women and 45% of urban voters now disapprove of the job Joe Biden’s doing. President Biden’s base is cracking up.”
So, it seems the
far left has once again shot itself in the foot by fostering an assumed future voting
base made up of indebted illegal entrants. But what these narrow-minded political
slugs have no capacity to grasp conceptually, is that once here and becoming successful,
illegals too will want to retain as much earned as possible and therefore vote
Republican and a financially independent future too. Just like everyone else.
That’s it for today folks.
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