It seems that the POTUS is quite concerned about his Iran deal. To the extent that he’s now relying heavily on his only identifiable skill, the loud dissemination of overheated air.
Julian Hattem and Jordan Fabian report that, “The White House is mounting a vigorous push to convince liberals to back the Iran deal.”
In that regard Obama “warned his allies that if they don’t speak up, the same people who got the U.S. into the Iraq War could sink the Iran deal, which would lift sanctions against the country in exchange for it scaling back its nuclear program.”
From the POTUS’s comments, it appears that either he doesn’t really know how we got into the Iraq war, or hopes his liberal base doesn’t either. Because, as far as the war in Iraq was concerned, according to
“After the first Gulf War in 1991 Iraq was obliged by the U.N. to get rid of all its biological and toxic weapons. This Security Council Resolution also demanded the restoration of Kuwait’s independence and the implementation of sanctions against Iraq. The United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) performed inspections in Iraq to make sure that the conditions of the peace agreement that followed the first Gulf War were carried out. The weapons inspectors were thrown out of Iraq in December of 1998, which lead to Operation Desert Fox, a three-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.”
And therefore, since those requesting U.S. support to force Iraq’s compliance were the vast majority of the U.N., the logical conclusion of the POTUS’s warning is that those opposing the Iran nuclear deal are the same group of nation’s that requested our help in 1991, almost all of the U.N.
Then the POTUS continued, saying, “As big of a bully pulpit as I have, it’s not enough. I can’t carry it by myself. The facts are on our side, but the politics are going to be tough if all of you don’t get involved and get active.” After which he noted that, “Democratic lawmakers he meets with do not buy opponents’ arguments, but some are wavering under pressure that is "fierce, well-financed and relentless. I can tell when they start getting squishy.”
The truth, however, is more likely that he’s well aware that as time goes on, more lawmakers and their constituents are becoming more suspicious of the deal and it’s huge flaws. Which means he senses that opposition is not only heating up, but his deal is likely facing significant trouble that very well might overturn it.
On another recurring subject, the mistaken Democrat push for higher minimum wages is putting far more jobs in jeopardy as businesses turn to robotics for cost savings and improved efficiency.
Conner Forrest via Drudge writes about automaton in China that will likely see similar situations here in the U.S., as follows:
“The Changying Precision Technology Company factory in Dongguan has automated production lines that use robotic arms to produce parts for cell phones. The factory also has automated machining equipment, autonomous transport trucks, and other automated equipment in the warehouse.”
Here’s the amazing statistical results of the changes being made, “There are still people working at the factory, though. Three workers check and monitor each production line and there are other employees who monitor a computer control systems. Previously, there were 650 employees at the factory. With the new robots, there's now only 60. Luo Weiqiang, general manager of the company, told the People's Daily that the number of employees could drop even further to 20 in the future.”
What’s even more dramatic, “The robots have produced almost three times as many pieces as were produced before. According to the People's Daily, production per person has increased from 8,000 pieces to 21,000 pieces. That's a 162.5% increase.
“The increased production rate hasn't come at the cost of quality either. In fact, quality has improved. Before the robots, the product defect rate was 25%, now it is below 5%.”
Reader, putupjob, summed the situation up perfectly by asking, “how come the unions haven't moved in demanding more sick leave, sick leave accumulation, more vacation, indefinite vacation rollover, higher wages, more holidays, shorter work hours, more workplace oversight, increased wages on an escalating scale, a massive increase in the minimum wage, maternity leave for robots, time off for broken friend robots, increased medical, dental and mental health benefits, benefits for same sex robots, like we have in the very competitive USA.”
putupjob’s comment is very amusing, except it isn’t.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife that comes from, John Solomon and S.A. Miller @The Washington Times, who write: “The U.S. intelligence community is bracing for the possibility that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email account contains hundreds of revelations of classified information from spy agencies and is taking steps to contain any damage to national security, according to documents and interviews Thursday.
“The top lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committee have been notified in recent days that the extent of classified information on Mrs. Clinton’s private email server was likely far more extensive than the four emails publicly acknowledged last week as containing some sensitive spy agency secrets.”
An unnamed U.S. official directly familiar with the situation, confidentially said that the notification of possibly hundreds of additional emails with classified secrets came from the State Department Freedom of Information Act office to the Office of Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence.
Furthermore, “The inspector general, the chief oversight watchdog for the entire U.S. intelligence community, subsequently sent a letter to the Republican chairmen and ranking Democrats of the Senate and House intelligence committees, the official said. And that, “We were informed by State FOIA officials that there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the 30,000 provided for former Secretary Clinton.”
So, it appears that the same three traits that have done Bill’s wife ill in the past continue to plague her today: time, familiarity and veracity. Which leads to the question, Mayor Bloomberg, Joe Biden, and now Jerry Brown, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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